Qarshi davlat universiteti international scientific and practical conference on algorithms and current problems of programming Pdf ko'rish
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Bog'liq Asosiy oxirgi 17.05.2023 18.20Summary.
In other words, innovative activity is the creation of a new technological
process or a new improved product using scientific research, development, experiment-
testing or other scientific and technical achievements. It is not always implemented in the
field of action, but it is considered truly innovative only when the experience of
implementing this activity becomes common in people's lives. The original content of
innovative activity is the formation of a new technology in practice, the result of which is
the activity aimed at turning the invention into a project, the project into a technology.
Foydalanilgan adabiyotlar ro‘yxati.
1. Абдуллаева, У. Т. (2022). Умумий ўрта таълим мактабларида қардош халқлар
адабиётини қиёсий ўқитишнинг илмий - назарий асослари. Globallashuv davrida
tilshunoslik, 1(5), 272-274.
2. Абдуллаева, У. Т. (2021). Туысқан халықтар әдебиетђн оқыту. Современный
образовательный потенциал и достижения, 1(3), 9-11.
3. Абдуллаева, У. Т. (2021). Мектеп оқушыларына елђктеу сөздер туралы түсђнђк
тақырыбын өтуде резюме технологиясын қолдану. Кластер педагогического
образования проблемы и решения, 1(2), 1181-1183.
Abdullayeva U.T., Xalimova N., Otabekova S., Abduvosiyeva Z. Modern innovative
programming technologies in continuous education system development
Abdullayeva U.T., Xalimova N., Otabekova S., Abduvosiyeva Z.
Chirchik State Pedagogical University
This article discusses the importance of educational technology in the
development of the intellectual potential of students in the educational system. As a result
of the use of educational technologies in the course of the lesson, the intellectual potential
and scientific theoretical knowledge of the students will be further strengthened. At the
same time, information and communication technologies and modern pedagogical
technologies in education lead to further enrichment and improvement.
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Bosh sahifa
Qarshi davlat universiteti international scientific and practical conference on algorithms and current problems of programming