• Secure Business Transactions
  • Recent Off-site Secure
  • Fraud Discovery
  • Avoid Stupid Hacker Tricks

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    USG Security Awareness Primer
    Bolalarning maktabga psixologik tayyorgarligi, Zokirov Dasturlash xx, Роль компьютера в жизни современного человека, Шахсий компютернинг асосий компонентларилот, Kompyuterni tashkil etilishining mantiqiy asoslari, 40 IELTS Listening Tests - Section 3 (with answers), Murodali, 4-deadline, Deadline 3(21-30), Zbekiston respublikasi axborot texnologiyalari va kommunikatsiya, 1 амалий машгулотга топширик, 2 амалий машгулотга топширик, 1-mavzu Qattiq jismlarda diffuziya xodisasi, round-up-0, 5G security

    Avoid Stupid Hacker Tricks

    • Be sure to have a good firewall or pop-up blocker installed.
    • Pop-up blockers do not always block ALL pop-ups so always close a pop-up window using the ‘X’ in the upper corner.
    • Never click “yes,” “accept” or even “cancel.”
    • Infected USB drives are often left unattended by hackers in public places.

    Secure Business Transactions

    • Always use secure browser to do online activities.
    • Frequently delete temp files, cookies, history, saved passwords etc.

    Symbol indicating
    enhanced security

    Backup Important Information

    • No security measure is 100% reliable.
    • Even the best hardware fails.
    • What information is important to you?
    • Is your backup:
    • Recent?

      Off-site & Secure?

      Process Documented?



    Cyber Incident Reporting

    If you suspect a cybersecurity incident, notify your organization’s help desk or the USG ITS help desk immediately. Be prepared to supply the details you know and contact information.
    • Do not attempt to investigate or remediate the incident on your own.
    • Inform other users of the system and instruct them to stop work immediately.
    • Unless instructed, do not power down the machine.
    • Unless instructed, do not remove the system from the network.

    • The cybersecurity incident response team will contact you as soon as possible to gather additional information.
      Each USG organization is required to have a specific plan to handle cybersecurity incidents. Refer to local policies, standards and guidelines for specific information.


    • Organizations lose 5-6% of revenue annually due to internal fraud = $652 Billion in U.S. (2006)
    • Average scheme lasts 18 months, costs $159,000
    • 25% costs exceed $1M
    • Smaller companies suffer greater average dollar losses than large companies

    Fraud Discovery

    Tips are the most common way fraud is discovered.

    Tips come from:

      • Employee/Coworkers 64%,
      • Anonymous 18%,
      • Customer 11%,
      • Vendor 7%
      • If you suspect possible fraud, report it anonymously to the USG ethics hot line at 877-516-3466.

    University System of Georgia
    Information Technology Services
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