Task Questions for general understanding What has changed our lives for the better ?

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Parametrik tenglama bilan berilgan chiziq urinmasi va normali tenglamalari, Non pishirishda kechadigan jarayonlar mohiyati, Fuqaro muhofazasining kuch va vositalari. Reja Fuqaro muhofazas, MUSTAQIL ISH, jhg,jhg,, 1 qadam, 9-ma’ruza, 10-ma’ruza, XMGlobal-Risk-Disclosures-for-Financial-Instruments-1, Jahon tarixi 10 uzb 2022, Anvarov B, pdf, dilshodbek.org, Jahon banki, document

Task 1. Questions for general understanding
1.What has changed our lives for the better ?
2. Where do we use PCs ?
3. Name a mechanical device ?
4. Do computers help in the building of spacecraft ?
5. Why do our students like computer lessons ?
6. Where can computers store huge amount of information ?
Vazifa 1. Umumiy tushunish uchun savollar
1. Hayotimizni nima yaxshi tomonga o'zgartirdi?
2. Kompyuterlarni qayerda ishlatamiz?
3. Mexanik qurilmalarni ayting?
4. Kompyuterlar kosmik kemalarni qurishda yordam beradimi?
5. Nima uchun talabalarimiz kompyuter darslarini yoqtirishadi?
6. Kompyuterlar katta hajmdagi axborotni qayerda saqlashi mumkin?
Computers quickly entered into our life . They have changed our lives for the better . The modern computing
machines present one of the most achievements of human thought , that is why it's difficult to imagine our life
without this clever machine . Today we almost use PCs in every office , in every house , in every school , on
airplanes , etc. The user of the computer can be a writer and an artist , a doctor and an engineer , a musician
and a teacher . It is the universal tool which is capable to help everyone .
Numerous factories use computers to control machines that make products . A computer turns on and off and
adjusts their operations when necessary . Without computers , it would be impossible for engineers to perform
the enormous number of calculations needed to solve many technological problems . Architectural and civil
engineers use the computers in designing complicated bridges , official institutions , shopping centers and other
structures .
Computers help in the building of spacecraft , and they assist flight engineers in launching , controlling and
tracking the vehicles . Computers also are used to develop equipment for exploring the moon and planets .
Computers have been of tremendous help to researchers in the biological , physical and social sciences .
Astronomers use computers to guide telescopes and to process photographic images of planets and other
objects in space .
Computers can be used to compose music , write poems and produce drawings and paintings . A work
generated by a computer may resemble that a certain artist in birth style and form , or it may appear abstract or
random . Computers are also used in the study of the fine arts , particularly , literature . They have also been
programmed to help scholars identify paintings and sculptures from ancient civilizations .
There are many computer classes at our technical school . We can get basic computer skills for our future
specialty there . We study some applications : Word 7.0 , Excel 7.0 , NetWare and others . At our computer
lessons we print texts , draw graphs and electronic tables , create databases , translate texts , create new files
and prepare projects . Our students like computer lessons very much because computers can do many lessons
more interesting and convincing .
Today computers can store huge amount of information on magnetic media and any item of this information can

be obtained in a few milliseconds and displayed or printed for the user . We all use PCs to make our life easier .
The Robot is also controlled by the computer . The Robot is a mechanical device . It can carry out the work ,
which for people proves to be too heavy or even impossible , for instance , in conditions of strong fierce frost .
Quite often one robot can change two workers at the plant .
Kompyuterlar hayotimizga tezda kirib keldi. Ular bizning hayotimizni yaxshi tomonga o'zgartirdilar. Zamonaviy
hisoblash mashinalari inson tafakkurining eng yutuqlaridan birini taqdim etadi, shuning uchun hayotimizni ushbu
aqlli mashinasiz tasavvur qilish qiyin. Bugun biz deyarli har bir ofisda, har bir uyda, har bir maktabda,
samolyotda va hokazolarda kompyuterlardan foydalanamiz. Kompyuter foydalanuvchisi yozuvchi va rassom,
shifokor va muhandis, musiqachi va o'qituvchi bo'lishi mumkin. Bu hammaga yordam bera oladigan universal
Ko'pgina zavodlar mahsulot ishlab chiqaradigan mashinalarni boshqarish uchun kompyuterlardan
foydalanadilar. Kompyuter yoqiladi va o'chiriladi va kerak bo'lganda ularning ishlashini sozlaydi.
Kompyuterlarsiz muhandislar ko'plab texnologik muammolarni hal qilish uchun zarur bo'lgan juda ko'p sonli
hisob-kitoblarni amalga oshirishlari mumkin emas edi. Arxitektura va qurilish muhandislari kompyuterlardan
murakkab ko'priklar, rasmiy muassasalar, savdo markazlari va boshqa tuzilmalarni loyihalashda foydalanadilar.
Kompyuterlar kosmik kemalarni yaratishda yordam beradi va parvoz muhandislariga transport vositalarini ishga
tushirish, boshqarish va kuzatishda yordam beradi. Kompyuterlar, shuningdek, oy va sayyoralarni tadqiq qilish
uchun asbob-uskunalar ishlab chiqish uchun ishlatiladi. Kompyuterlar biologiya, fizika va ijtimoiy fanlar
tadqiqotchilariga katta yordam berdi. Astronomlar teleskoplarni boshqarish va koinotdagi sayyoralar va boshqa
ob'ektlarning fotografik tasvirlarini qayta ishlash uchun kompyuterlardan foydalanadilar.
Kompyuterlardan musiqa yozish, she'r yozish, chizmalar va rasmlar yaratish uchun foydalanish mumkin.
Kompyuter tomonidan yaratilgan asar tug'ilish uslubi va shaklida ma'lum bir rassomga o'xshab ketishi yoki
mavhum yoki tasodifiy ko'rinishi mumkin. Tasviriy san'at, xususan, adabiyotni o'rganishda ham
kompyuterlardan foydalaniladi. Ular, shuningdek, olimlarga qadimgi tsivilizatsiyalarga oid rasm va haykallarni
aniqlashda yordam berish uchun dasturlashtirilgan.
Texnik maktabimizda ko'plab kompyuter sinflari mavjud. U erda biz kelajakdagi mutaxassisligimiz uchun asosiy
kompyuter ko'nikmalarini olishimiz mumkin. Biz ba'zi ilovalarni o'rganamiz: Word 7.0, Excel 7.0, NetWare va
boshqalar. Kompyuter darslarida biz matnlarni chop etamiz, grafik va elektron jadvallarni chizamiz, ma'lumotlar
bazalarini yaratamiz, matnlarni tarjima qilamiz, yangi fayllar yaratamiz va loyihalar tayyorlaymiz. Bizning
talabalarimiz kompyuter darslarni juda yaxshi ko'radilar, chunki kompyuterlar ko'plab darslarni yanada qiziqarli
va ishonchli o'tkazishi mumkin.
Bugungi kunda kompyuterlar magnit muhitda katta hajmdagi ma'lumotlarni saqlashi mumkin va bu
ma'lumotlarning har qanday elementi bir necha millisekundlarda olinishi va foydalanuvchi uchun ko'rsatilishi yoki
chop etilishi mumkin. Hammamiz hayotimizni osonlashtirish uchun shaxsiy kompyuterlardan foydalanamiz.
Robot ham kompyuter tomonidan boshqariladi. Robot - bu mexanik qurilma. U odamlar uchun juda og'ir yoki
hatto imkonsiz bo'lgan ishlarni, masalan, qattiq sovuq sharoitida bajarishi mumkin. Ko'pincha bitta robot
zavodda ikkita ishchini o'zgartirishi mumkin.

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Task Questions for general understanding What has changed our lives for the better ?

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