As the options for data storage consolidation evolve, Microsoft strives to make sure that the Microsoft® Windows® 2000 operating system continues to be highly reliable. For example, with the shift to Storage Area Networks (SANs), Windows 2000 addresses new concerns with faster recovery and offers new features, such as Active Directory® directory service, that increase scalability and improve manageability.
This white paper describes some of the improvements that Microsoft has made in the Windows 2000 Chkdsk utility and describes ways to manage corrupted volumes. It also describes considerations of running Chkdsk on a server cluster in Microsoft Windows 2000 Advanced Server or Microsoft Datacenter Server.
Microsoft has significantly improved Chkdsk performance in Windows 2000 and continues to improve its performance to address the challenge of new I/O hardware technology that puts more and more data on “single,” very large, growing volumes. Microsoft also has enhanced the NTFS file system to minimize failures.
To complement these improvements, organizations that use Windows 2000 must apply “best practice” operational management and must develop recovery procedures and disaster recovery processes to minimize system outages of all types. By applying these best practices, you can drive the recovery process, instead of being a victim of system failures.