Халқаро илмий-техник анжуман мақолалар тўплами
2. B.S. Rakhmonova. Directions for increasing investment activity in the field of walnut
growing and processing at the national and regional levels. Electronic journal of actual problems
modern science, education and training. july, 2022-7. ISSN 2181-9750. 24-29 бет
3. B.S. Rakhmonova. Ways of perspective development of walnut production in Andijan
region. // Electronic journal of actual
problems of modern science, education and training.
december, 2020-vii. ISSN 2181-9750 23-31 бет http://khorezmscience.uz/uz
4. B.S.Rakhmonova. Prospects for the development of walnut cultivation in Uzbekistan.
//Journal "Sustainable agriculture" ISSN 2181-9408 №2(6) 2021.
5. Рахмонова Б.С. Мамлакатимизда ёнғоқ ишлаб чиқаришнинг таркибий ва миқдорий
ўзгаришлар тенденцияси // Таълим тизимида ижтимоий-гуманитар фанлар. ISSN2181-7286
№6, 2021
6. U.Sangirova, B.Nosirov, B.Rahmonova. Properties and potential of walnut growing in
Uzbekistan. //JournalNX - A Multidisciplinary Peer Reviewed Journal, Volume 6, Issue 5, Page
No. 140-146. ISSN : 2581-4230, https://journalnx.com/ papers/20150963-potential-of-walnut.pdf
U.Sangirova, B.Nosirov, B.Rakhmonova. Organization of walnut production
based on
the industrial method in Uzbekistan. //Sustainable agriculture. 2(6).2020. p.24-26.