• Terms and Definitions
  • General Requirements
  • Muhammad al-khwarizmi tashkent university of information technologies

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    xudo xoxlasa tushadi99%, 3-labarotoriya ishi Saralash usul va algoritmlarini tadqiq qilis, cmd buyruqlari, Incremental model nima, 1matematik, word sAM 1 savol, Документ Microsoft Word (4), Ma\'ruzalar (2), ЛАБОРАТОРНАЯ РАБОТА N1, Dasturlash 2, Ariza, Qalandarova Gulshoda, 1648631455, 1650692784, 1651669892 (2)


    GROUP: 716-20
    Student: Pulatov Sardor
    Teacher: Baxtiyor Turdibekov
    Cybersecurity Policy

    Terms and Definitions
    - Antivirus software: Refers to specially designed computational programs intensely built to provide a robust shield for a computer system against malicious threats. They work on the criteria of identifying pathogens, including viruses concealed in a computer's memory, storage devices or embedded in incoming files, effectively eradicating them before they wreak havoc on the system.
    - Malware: It is a comprehensive term enveloping all the malicious software intending to harm or infiltrate computer systems or networks without the consent of the owner. This category includes, but is not limited to, viruses, spyware, worms, ransomware, trojans, and adware. In this document, our use of the terms virus and malware aim to convey similar repercussions unless otherwise stated explicitly.
    - User: The term ‘User’ denotes any individual associated with our organization including but not limited to employees, staff, contractors, interns, and temporary workers who actively engage with our internal computer systems or networks as part of their duties.
    - IT department: It pertains to the dedicated department within our organization, our digital fortress, which shoulders the responsibility of addressing our technological requisites. It also oversees ensuring the security parameters of the organization are stringently adhered to.
    - System: We use the term ‘System’ in this document to allude to an array of digital devices and network infrastructures within our organization or used by it. It includes, but is not limited to, personal computers, laptops, servers, mobile devices, WI-FI networks, external storage devices, and any other technology appliances.

    Basic Rules
    - It is fundamentally essential that all systems should be equipped with active antivirus software, kept updated to the latest versions, at all times. Such a measure is indispensable in sustaining a secure digital environment.
    - It is the responsibility of each user not to disable or manipulate antivirus protections, and its compliance should be strictly regarded.
    - Users must refrain from downloading or installing any unlicensed or unauthorized software or files. These often serve as carriers of malicious programs.
    - If a system is presumed to be infected, a user must immediately disconnect it from the network to prevent virulent dissemination across the network. This incident should subsequently be reported to the IT department without any delay.

    General Requirements
    - The IT department is vested with the authority of picking, executing, and maintaining the antivirus software across all systems. This decision should be made considering the latest threats and system vulnerabilities.
    - The antivirus software will be configured to conduct frequent scans of an entire system at a scheduled time, to ensure round-the-clock virus detection.
    - Every file that users download from the internet or receive as email attachments, and all documents opened are subject to scanning by the antivirus software. Such an initiative is our first defense line against potential viruses.
    - The antivirus software is to be updated promptly as soon as the developers release the patches. Major changes, upgrades, or updates must be initially checked and tested on isolated systems to verify their compatibility and security factors.
    - Regular training and awareness programs will be conducted to familiarize users with the importance of antivirus software and how to identify signs of a potential virus infestation.

    - Users may be held accountable for any security breaches that occur due to their deliberate actions such as disabling the antivirus software, installing dubious software, or downloading known malware. It is thus paramount that every user adheres to the outlined standards to maintain a safe digital workspace.
    - The organization disclaims any responsibility for personal devices or any devices that fall beyond the realms of the provided terms and definitions. It's users' responsibility to safeguard their personal devices against possible threats.
    - Issues that appear beyond the control of the IT department, such as unforeseen zero-day attacks or defects within the antivirus software itself, don't make the department liable. Nevertheless, the department has an obligation to undertake immediate corrective measures and rectify such cases as swiftly as possible.
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    Muhammad al-khwarizmi tashkent university of information technologies

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