• Midterm (date to be arranged): covers all chapters 1, 2, 3, 4 as highlighted in this table
  • Final Exam (date to be arranged): covers chapters 6, 9, 10. Read: Zhou, Chap. 9 and Chap. 10 Paper Due Date: July 14
  • Academic Honesty
  • Summer Instructor: Zongqing Zhou, Ph. D. Office Phone

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    Assignments and Due Dates


    • Syllabus and Course Overview

    • Overview: Internet Marketing in Hospitality and Tourism

    • Principles of Internet Marketing

    • Planning Internet Marketing

    Will sign up teams and schedule presentation sequence
    Read: Zhou, chapter 1
    Read Chapter 2 (not from zhou’s book)

    Read Chapter 3 (not from zhou’s book)


    • Online Consumer Behavior

    • Internet Marketing and Ecommerce

    • Midterm (date to be arranged): covers all chapters 1, 2, 3, 4 as highlighted in this table

    Finalization of your term paper outline with an action plan, due today!!
    Read: Zhou, Chap. 4
    Read chapter 4 (not from zhou’s book)


    • Internet Marketing Techniques

    • Website As a marketing Tool

    • Search Engine Marketing

    • Email Marketing

    Read: Zhou, Chap. 6


    • Internet Marketing Tracking and Research

    • The future of the Internet Marketing

    • Final Exam (date to be arranged): covers chapters 6, 9, 10.

    Read: Zhou, Chap. 9 and Chap. 10
    Paper Due Date: July 14

    Class Policies and General Administrative Practices

    1. Attendance: as you might have noticed that I count your attendance as part of your grade. It is important to note here that your attendance includes participation in class discussions, which means that you are expected to do the readings before each class. If you don't read prior to the class discussion, you risk losing a significant amount of course credit because you are unprepared to participate in class discussions. Missing classes more than three times will result in the loss of your entire attendance grade and adversely affect your total class grade. You are required to inform your instructor, prior to the class meeting, if you cannot attend class. If you need to be absent on a test or exam day, you will take a test or exam prior to the day on which you will be absent. You need to take the initiative to arrange for a time convenient for all involved. . Please remember: A lack of planning on your part does not constitute an emergency on the part of your instructor.

    2. Extra credit: Extra credit assignments are not available.

    3. Papers and Presentations: It is important that you are responsible for proper spelling and neatness. You are expected to demonstrate in an all of your assignments and presentations a high degree of accuracy and professionalism.

    4. Due Date: Unless written permission is received in advance of the due date, all assignments have to be turned in on the day they are due. Assignments must be submitted on the day they are due and at the hour for which they are assigned. Should classes be cancelled by the institution due to weather or any other occurrence, assignments, exams, etc. are due at the next class meeting. When classes are canceled by your instructor due to professional obligations, you will be informed in advance and a special task will be assigned.

    5. Tests and Exam Policy: contents of the tests are non-redundant and non-repetitive, which means that chapters that are covered in the previous will not be included in the later tests. However, the final exam will include all materials except the chapters covered in the first two tests. It is important to note that contents of the tests and the exam will include materials from the textbook and from handouts as well as from whatever is covered by the instructor in the class. Taking notes in the class is very important and is greatly encouraged.

    Academic Honesty

    Please review the Academic Honesty statement in the catalogue and be familiar with the definitions of Cheating and Plagiarism as well as procedures related to a violation of the academic honesty code of ethics.

    Academic Honesty

    The integrity of an academic community necessitates the full and correct citation of ideas, methodologies, and research findings. In addition, each student can promote academic honesty by protecting his or her work from inappropriate use. Academic honesty is essential to ensure the validity of the grading system and to maintain a high standard of academic excellence. The principal violations of academic honesty are cheating and plagiarism.


    includes the unauthorized use of certain materials, information, or devices in writing examinations, or in preparing papers or other assignments. Any student who aids another student in such dishonesty is also guilty of cheating. Other possible forms of cheating include submitting the same work in more than one class without permission.

    Plagiarism is the presentation of ideas, words, and opinions of someone else as one’s own work. Paraphrased material, even if rendered in the student’s own words, must be attributed to the originator of the thought.

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    Bosh sahifa

        Bosh sahifa

    Summer Instructor: Zongqing Zhou, Ph. D. Office Phone

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