• 2. High Employee Turnover
  • Solutions: Training
  • Invest in Upgrading
  • Task 2. Skim the business matters in 1-3 and match them with the given solutions in a-l. Each business matter can have 4 solutions

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    Task 2. Skim the business matters in 1-3 and match them with the given solutions in a-l. Each business matter can have 4 solutions.
    Business matters:
    1. Project management:
    XYZ IT Solutions, a medium-sized IT company, is experiencing problems related to its project management. The issue is that tasks are not being completed on time, leading to delayed project deliveries. Many clients are complaining and the company's reputation is getting tarnished.
    In more depth, it appears that communication regarding project milestones, deadlines, and individual responsibilities is unclear or not consistent. Furthermore, a lack of coordination between different teams working on the same project is also observed.
    2. High Employee Turnover:
    AceTech, a growing IT startup, is experiencing a high rate of employee turnover, especially among their software developers. This is negatively affecting team morale, project timelines, and increasing recruitment and onboarding costs.
    3. Outdated Technologies:
    BetaTech, an established IT firm, has been using some dated technologies and methods. This has led to slower production times, increased risk of security breaches, and difficulty in attracting new talent who are familiar with the latest technologies.

    1. Training: Invest in training current staff on the new technologies. This will be less expensive and disruptive than replacing staff.

    2. Implement Project Management Tools: Tools such as Jira, Asana, or Trello could be implemented to keep track of project tasks and make project timelines, milestones, and individual responsibilities clear.

    3. Invest in Upgrading: Allocate a budget for upgrading software, hardware, and processes.

    4. Conduct Exit Interviews: Identify the reasons why employees are leaving. Are the working conditions not good, the workload too high, salaries too low, or career advancement opportunities lacking?

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    Task 2. Skim the business matters in 1-3 and match them with the given solutions in a-l. Each business matter can have 4 solutions

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