Amaliy mashgulotlat 1-mavzu (Neytral aralashmalarda zaryad tashuvchilarni rezonans sochilishi) seminar mashg‘ulotning texnologik kartasi
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Bog'liq 11066 амалийO‘ta utkazuvchanlik xodisasi.
O‘ta o‘tkazuvchanlik xodisasi kim tomonidan va qanday kashf qilingan
Qanday metallar o‘ta o‘tkazuvchanlik xodisasiga moyil? Sanab o‘ting.
YArim o‘tkazgichlarda o‘ta o‘tkazuvchanlik xodisasi kuzatiladimi? Agar yo‘q bulsa, nima uchun?
“ BKSH” nazariyasini asosiy natijalarini qanday tassavur qilasiz.
Plazmaning qanday turlarini bilasiz?
Plazma xolatiga utish uchun moddani qanday temperaturagacha qizdirish ketak?
Elektron plazmaning aynish temperaturasini xisoblang.
Ajratilgan soat
Gaytler-London metodi
Rezonans sochilish mexanizmi
Erginsoy mexanizmi
Optik fononlarda zaryad tashuvchilarning sochilishi
Akustik fononlarda zaryad tashuvchilarning sochilishi
Metallar uchun Zommerfeld nazariyasi
Kvant nuqta va kvant o‘ralar
Zaryadlangan markazlarda zaryad tashuvchilarning sochilishi
Almashinuv ta’sir
Plazma va uning asosiy fizik hossalari
Lazerlar, mazerlar, optik generatorlar.
Superion o‘tkazgichlar
Quyosh isitqichlari
MTN faninig tayanch iboralar
Muhit - medium. Region of ionization chamber, adjoining to electrodes.
Syraklashgan gaz - evacuated gas.
A gas frequency collision molecule which very low is identified evacuated one.
Gaz razryadi - discharged gas.
Process of the passing of the observable electric current through gas name discharged gas.
Ion - ion.
Ions- particles of the molecules and atoms, having positive and negative charges.
Ionizasiya - ionization.
Process of the division of neutral particles on charged ions is identified ionization.
Neytral atom - neutral atom.
Particles from which consist molecules name atoms. The word «atom» in translation from greek means indivisible.
Recombinasiya - recombination.
Recombination – the process to reverse ionization.
Zaryad tashuvchilar - mobile carriers.
Particles participating in transit of the charge are identified the mobile carriers׃
ones are positive and negative ions, electrons.
Electr toki - electric current.
Electric current is identified ranked displacement electric charge one sing in some direction.
Zaryadlangan zarra - charged particle.
Particle beside which there is excess determined amount electricity.
Electr o’tkazuvchanlik - electric conduction.
Conduction is property of substance to conduct electric current.
T o’yinish toki - saturation current.
Maximal possible current in gas is identified saturation one.
Mustaqil razryad – self-sustained discharge.
Discharge not requiring in external source to ionizing, is identified self-sustained one.
Vol’t- amper harakteristika – volt-amper characteristics.
Volt-amper characteristics are curves, expressing dependency of the current from attached voltage׃ .
Molekulalar tezligi – velocity of the molecules.
Is usually considered that this average heat velocity of the molecules׃
Havo- air.
Air is mixture different gas׃ O2 , N2 , H2 , CO2 , CO , H2O, He, Ne and that’s.
Plazma- plasma.
Plasma- powerfully ionized gas, it fourth state of substance.
Dinamik muvozanat - dynamic balance.
Balance between ionization and recombination, is identified dynamic one.
Toj razryad – coronal discharge.
The discharge dawning region which reminds corona is identified coronal one.
Uchqun razryad - spark discharge.
The discharge having type of the bunch of the bright zigzag strips, is identified spark one.
Miltillama razryad – oscillatory discharge.
Under low pressures in tube exists oscillatory one.
Yoy razryad - arc discharge.
Appears at high voltage between electrodes and reminds arc.
Yashin - lightning.
Lightning is natural phenomena, connected with electric process in atmosphere.
Chaqmoq - light «flashes» electrons.
This is path of propagation electronic bunch in atmosphere.
Kunduzgi lampa - lamp of day illumination.
Electric lamp by power 40 vt at worker voltage 220 volt.
Payvandlash – soldering.
It process entering one metal to another metal. It’s used for clamping the details.
Anod- anode.
This is positive electrode.
Katod- cathode.
This is negative electrode. Cathode ejects electrons.
Kuchlanganlik - tension.
This is force with which electrostatic field acts to positive single charge in given point of the one. It’s measured in v/m.
Kamalak - rainbow.
This is natural phenomena, presents itself spectrum of seeds colors. It usually appears after noonday rain.
Nomustaqil razryad – non-self-sustained discharge.
This discharge, disappearing after cessation action of the external source to ionizing.
Qattiq jism fizikasi. A. Teshaboev, S. Zanobiddinov, SH. Ermatov. «Moliya» nashriyoti, T., 2001.
Fizika tverdogo tela. P. V. Pavlov, A. F. Xoxlov, «Vыsshaya shkola», M., 2000.
Stroenie veщestva. M.X. Karapetyans, S.I. Drakin, «Vыsshaya shkola», M.,1967.
Elektronnaya teoriya veщestva. M.S. Svirskiy, «Prosveщenie», M., 1980.
Kvazichastitsы. M.I. Kaganov, I.M. Lifshits, «Nauka», M., 1989.
Mikro… i makro… . M.I. Kaganov, «Znanie», M., 1986.
Jivoy kristall. YA.E. Geguzin, «Nauka», M., 1981.
Priroda magnetizma. M.I. Kaganov, V.M. Sukernik, M., 1982.
Elektronы,fononы,magnonы. M.I. Kaganov, «Nauka», M., 1979.
YArim o‘tkazgichlar fizikasi. S. Azizov, «O‘qituvchi», T., 1974.
Bosh sahifa
Bosh sahifa
Amaliy mashgulotlat 1-mavzu (Neytral aralashmalarda zaryad tashuvchilarni rezonans sochilishi) seminar mashg‘ulotning texnologik kartasi