MERICAN Journal of Science on Integration and Human DevelopmentBog'liq Nutqiy KompetensiyaMERICAN Journal of Science on Integration and Human Development
Tabel 1.1.
H. Muhiddinova in the field of education defines the word competence as competence, and
competence as ability, and the competence approach to education is aimed at forming the ability
to apply acquired knowledge, skills and abilities in their personal, professional and social
activities. emphasizes that it is appropriate to understand that the direction of education.
Competency approach in language education is the ability of learners to use the materials of the
language they are learning and the information they have received in their life activities, to
express their opinion in this language independently orally and in writing, and to be able to apply
it to speech situations. It consists of building skills, that is, forming the ability to use the
language purposefully and practically. Education based on the competence approach is an
education aimed at forming the ability to apply the acquired knowledge, skills and abilities in
their personal, professional and social activities, to enable students to think independently and
take an active citizenship position. It creates initiative, ability to use information and
communication technologies in one's work, conscious choice of profession, healthy competition
and universal skills.Nutqiy kompetensiya masalasiga keladigan bo„lsak, 2017-yildan boshlab
O„zbekistonda ham tillarni o„qitish, xususan, ona tili ta‟limi nutqiy kompetensiyaga asoslana
Among the main goals of the concept of mother tongue science and the priority areas of its
development, the following are the strategic goals of the development of mother tongue science:
to increase the broad possibilities of teaching the subject of the mother tongue in general
secondary schools, the main purpose, tasks, content, methods and means of the mother (Uzbek)
language education, the way of their development and improvement in harmony with the times
summarizing directions;
to develop a person who expresses his opinion correctly and fluently in accordance with all
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