KNOWLEDGE - remembering and
retelling learned information
QUALIFICATION - ability to retain
the learned knowledge and developed
skills in unfamiliar situations
SKILLS - being able to apply learned
knowledge in familiar situations
COMPETENCE - the ability to use
existing knowledge, skills and abilities
MERICAN Journal of Science on Integration and Human Development
norms of the literary language in oral and written form, who has developed a culture of reading,
who can think independently and creatively, who understands the opinions of others - who has a
developed culture of communication and speech;
to apply the knowledge, skills and qualifications acquired in the subject of the mother tongue in
students' life and in their practical activities, to form competencies to be able to engage in social
relations based on national and universal values;
teaching students to think, to understand other people's opinions and to be able to express the
product of this thought in oral and written form, i.e. to develop communicative literacy, as well
as logical, critical, creative and systematic thinking, to be able to make independent decisions, to
create the necessary conditions for the ability to demonstrate one's intellectual abilities and to be
formed as a spiritually mature person;
using the wide possibilities of the mother tongue, to develop the student's thinking capacity,
intellectual development, logical thinking and thereby develop a person who meets the
qualifications of international student evaluation programs;
in teaching the subject of the mother tongue, focusing mainly on improving the student's verbal
(listening, speaking, reading, writing) and linguistic competences
To develop speaking competence, first of all, educational tasks should be improved. In order for
the student to be able to read and understand the text, listen and understand, speak and write
what he understands, these skills and competencies should be formed through exercises and
In this regard, G. We believe that it is necessary to pay attention to the comments of Hamroyev,
because speaking skills and skills related to the methodology of teaching a foreign language may
not directly correspond to the education of the mother tongue.
Abu Nasr Farabi: "When it comes to how to teach, how to receive education, how to express,
explain, how to ask and how to answer, I confirm that the first knowledge in this regard is the
science of language, which gives names to objects and events." , he said. W. Humboldt, the
founder of language theory, said in the 19th century that "Language is the soul of the nation"
F.I.Buslaev writes: "the first and most important thing is to develop the practical ability to
understand what is expressed by forms of speech and to use them correctly, that is, as educated
people say, through oral and written exercises we create the ability of the student to easily
understand conversational and written speech forms"
."It is neither possible nor necessary to
teach a high school student all the linguistic knowledge accumulated by mankind over the
centuries. Therefore, choosing the most necessary knowledge from the mother tongue is one of
the main issues.
The main criterion for choosing knowledge from the mother tongue is its level of usefulness and
practical application. We believe that useful knowledge from the mother tongue serves to form
the skills of children's literate writing, creative thinking, correct and fluent expression of the
product of thought in oral and written forms in accordance with the speech conditions, and to
educate and develop them in the spirit of high human qualities. "we understand the knowledge
that provides"
In this case, educational tasks are an important factor that creates the content of
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