MERICAN Journal of Science on Integration and Human Development
controlling the exercises performed in the classroom. In the studies of T.Ziyodova on the
formation of text creation competencies in students, the main component of text creation
technology was also considered to be educational tasks, but in this study, exercises and tasks
were not seriously differentiated
K. Mavlonov developed the skills of working on the text, which is one of the most complex
issues in accordance with today's approaches of mother tongue education, to be able to read it, to
understand it and, most importantly, to create a text by integrating it with the science of
literature. developed educational tasks
. Also, I.A.Allayorov, O.R.Rozikov, R.Ibragimov,
B.R.Adizov, M.H.Mahmudov, and I.E.Davronov
studied the problems related to the
development of educational and cognitive activities of the learner and the use of educational
In conclusion, it can be said that the development of speech competence in native language
classes is crucial for the academic and personal growth of students. Educators must recognize the
challenges associated with teaching these skills and take proactive steps to address them.
Effective teaching methods, appropriate assessment methods, and adequate exposure to language
can help students develop speaking competence. By prioritizing this aspect of education, we can
ensure that students are equipped with important communication skills that will serve them
throughout their lives.
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