MERICAN Journal of Science on Integration and Human DevelopmentBog'liq Nutqiy KompetensiyaMERICAN Journal of Science on Integration and Human Development
It is known that educational tasks consisting of question-exercise-assignment types are used in
language education. Educational tasks, first of all, are directly related to the purpose, tasks and
content of mother tongue education, they focus on the student's thinking, the ability to work
independently on the educational material, and the formation and development of the necessary
speech skills and competencies. Unfortunately, until today, in mother tongue education,
educational tasks have not been considered as the basis of the teaching methodology, as an
important factor that creates the educational content. Grammatical rules are understood as the
basis of the educational content in the mother tongue classes, and the educational tasks are
considered as a tool used in mastering these rules.
The mother tongue is the soul of the people, and teaching the mother tongue, first of all, serves to
develop the child's innate mental abilities, secondly, it leads students to consciously master the
treasures of the mother tongue, and thirdly, children learn the logic of this language. should
learn. It is necessary to achieve these goals and tasks not one after the other, but simultaneously
Educational assignments play the main role in this.
Since the formation and development of speech skills by working on the text is a central issue in
modern mother tongue education, the task is to prepare the student to understand the content of
the text and other speech processes.
In the process of gradual reform of mother tongue education, it should be noted that in the first
years of independence, systematic studies were conducted on the development of the purpose,
content, and educational tasks of mother tongue education.
In particular, Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Professor R. Safarova emphasized in the 90s that
the development of communicative skills and competences is the main task of mother tongue
education, in particular, educational tasks, as well as the issue of assessment, Uzbek language
researched important issues related to the teaching of both the mother tongue and the
state language in the conditions of national revival in Uzbekistan. F. Kochkarova considered the
issues of restructuring of teaching and learning tasks in mother tongue education
In her doctoral dissertation
, Sh. Yusupova explained the scientific-methodical basis of the
development of students' thinking in the modern Uzbek literary language classes. special
attention is paid to developmental educational tasks. Kh. Muhiddinova put forward the issue
improving the exercises and assignments based on the principle of continuity for the continuous
education system in her doctoral research work aimed at ensuring the continuity and continuity
of grammatical knowledge and speech topics in the teaching of the Uzbek language as a state
language. In his monographic research, his practical recommendations on the step-by-step
application of educational tasks in Uzbek language classes are important for the education of the
state language.
It can be noted
that Q. Husanboyeva's views on including the teacher in the content of
education is the right approach. In fact, it is important that the teacher first sets an example in the
development of students' literary pronunciation skills in mother tongue education, especially in
6 https://ru.wikipedia.org/wiki/
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ва амалиѐти. Педагогика фанлари доктори илм. даражасини олиш учун ѐзилган дисс. –Тошкент, 1995. –242
8 Қўчқорова Ф. М. Янги авлод дарсликларида тақдим этиладиган ўқув материалларини концентризм
принципи асосида структуралашнинг дидактик параметрлари: фалсафа фан. докт. ... дисс.(PhD). – Тошкент,
2018. –13-бет.
9 Юсупова Ш.Ж. Ҳозирги ўзбек адабий тили дарсларида ўқувчилар тафаккурини ўстиришнинг илмий-
методик асослари: Пед. фан.доктори... дисс. – Тошкент: ТДПИ, 2005. – 270 б.
10 М уҳиддинова Х. Таълим босқичларида ўзбек тили ўқитилиши узлуксизлигини таъминлашнинг
илмий-методик асосларини такомиллаштириш пед. фан. ном -ди дисс. ТДПИ –Тошкент, 2011. -270 б
11 Ҳусанбоева Қ. Адабий таълим жараѐнида ўқувчиларни мустақил фикрлашга ўргатишнинг илмий-методик
асослари: пед. фан. док-ри дисс. автореф. –Т.: ТДПУ, 2006. – 262 б.
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