MERICAN Journal of Science on Integration and Human Development
AMERICAN Journal of Science on Integration and
Human Development
Volume 01, Issue 04, 2023 ISSN (E): ХХХ-ХХХ
Ona Tili Darslarida Nutqiy Kompetensiyani Rivojlantirish
Pedagogik Muammo Sifatda
Uteuliyeva Mexriban Ibraimovna
Toshkent gumanitar fanlar universiteti assistent o„qituvchisi
O„quvchilarda nutqiy kompetensiyani o„quv topshiriqlar asosida rivojlantirishda integratsion
yondashuvdan foydalanish ularning kasbiy kompetensiyasini shakllantirishga sharoit yaratadi.
Tinglab tushunish, o„qib tushunish, nutq so„zlash va yozish ko„nikmalarini rivojlantirishda fan
doirasidan tashqariga chiqish, boshqa soha ma‟lumotlaridan foydalanish muloqot ko„nikmalarini
mustahkamlashga xizmat qiladi.
Nutq kompetensiyasi, Ona tili darslari, Pedagogik muammo, Rivojlanish, Sifat.
If we dwell on the concepts of "competence" and "competence", these terms were first used in
linguistics in the middle of the 20th century by N. Chomsky, and in the process of using the
language "activity-oriented knowledge, skills and abilities as a set", and in the field of education
it is interpreted as a "competent approach", it is noted as one of the factors that determine the
effectiveness in education. The meanings of these words are interpreted in different ways in the
dictionaries: in the "Explanatory Dictionary of the Uzbek Language" the word competence is
explained as follows: "Competence - (lat. sompetere - to be capable, worthy). 1) The range of
powers of a specific organization or official defined in official documents; authority. 2) A
person's level of awareness of a certain field, knowledge of this field.
In translation
dictionaries, this word is interpreted as follows: "Competence - 1. A field in which a person is
well-informed and influential; 2. walk. scope of right (duty, work)." ; "Competence - 1. An area
or matter in which a person is well-versed; 2. Authority, right discretion; Kompetentn/yy, -aya,
oye, -ten, -tna - having enough information, well-educated, well-versed, knowledgeable, aware,
factor; 2) reasonable, considerate, respectable; 3) has the competence
, that is, the right;
competent; Competence - possession of deep knowledge; based on deep knowledge, validity;
awareness, agency."
The main goal of teaching the mother tongue at all stages of education is to form the
communicative competence of learners to carry out activities in everyday, scientific and
professional spheres. Communicative competence of the native language is the ability to use
acquired knowledge, skills and abilities in the process of communication.
18. Ўзбек тилининг изоҳли луғати. 4–жилд. – Тошкент: Ўзбекистон миллий энциклопедияси давлат илмий
нашриѐти, 2008. -267-бет
1 Зимняя И.Н. Ключевые компетенции – новая парадигма результата образования // Ж.Высшее образование
сегодня, №5. – Москва, 2003. – С.34-42.