many ways to use implementation intentionsBog'liq atomic-habitsmany ways to use implementation intentions
: For the term habit stacking, I am indebted to S. J.
Scott, who wrote a book by the same name. From what I understand, his concept is slightly
different, but I like the term and thought it appropriate to use in this chapter. Previous writers
such as Courtney Carver and Julien Smith have also used the term habit stacking, but in
different contexts.
The French philosopher Denis Diderot
: “Denis Diderot,” New World Encyclopedia,
, last modified October 26, 2017.
acquired a scarlet robe
: Encyclopædia Britannica, vol. 8 (1911), s.v. “Denis Diderot.” Diderot’s
scarlet robe is frequently described as a gift from a friend. However, I could find no original
source claiming it was a gift nor any mention of the friend who supplied the robe. If you
happen to know any historians specializing in robe acquisitions, feel free to point them my
way so we can clarify the mystery of the source of Diderot’s famous scarlet robe.
“no more coordination, no more unity, no more beauty”
: Denis Diderot, “Regrets for My Old
Dressing Gown,” trans. Mitchell Abidor, 2005,
The Diderot Effect states
: Juliet Schor, The Overspent American: Why We Want What We Don’t
Need (New York: HarperPerennial, 1999).
which was created by BJ Fogg
: In this chapter, I used the term habit stacking to refer to linking a
new habit to an old one. For this idea, I give credit to BJ Fogg. In his work, Fogg uses the
term anchoring to describe this approach because your old habit acts as an “anchor” that
keeps the new one in place. No matter what term you prefer, I believe it is a very effective
strategy. You can learn more about Fogg’s work and his Tiny Habits Method at
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