Basic company’s sources and the elements of evalua- tion have a very old history. The usage of informationBog'liq Knowledge and information systems–
External and internal
regular reports
on-line + inquiries
Business intelligence
Acquiring information for managing in the firms
is diverse. nowadays most users use information
acquired directly from an information system. only
13% of the respondents get the information for man-
aging from regular meetings that are held once in a
week at a minimum, from that 67% of the respond-
ents answered that the meetings were held twice
in a week or more often, particularly in the firms
that are oriented on business activity. Most of the
respondents (59%) work with information got on the
basis of a regular report. The quality of these reports
is dependent on the ability of the managing worker
to define his requirements as far as the content is
concerned. regular reports are not able to support
context requirements for the dialogue. They are di-
rectly dependent on the skills of the worker who
defines them. An ideal situation occurs when the
managing worker directly defines his/her dialogue
demands that correspond to the particular situation.
Such a solution offers the usage of on-line inquiries,
or the usage of Business intelligence module. From
the stated sample of the respondents, 16% use direct
inquiry, 8% when forming inquiries work in Excel
environment, and 8% take use of software created
for this type of a task – Business intelligence.
information needs in the firms and institutions
are directly dependent on the orientation of their
activities and the position of workers who use infor-
mation sources as a tool for managing and planning.
The orientation of firms’ and institutions’ activities
is given by the stipulated strategy, mission and aims
of every subject. The firms must create the system
which enables the managers to develop their inquiries
on the basis of the particular situation:
(1) information acquired on the basis of context – the
managers should have the information connected
with the real situation for their effective decision
(2) individually created notice – every manager must
have particularly addressed notice in order that
he/she could act on the basis of the real situa-
(3) creating rules and procedures coming from ex-
it is necessary to create an information infrastruc-
ture which respects the central role of managers in
forming the paradigm creating the firm’s values.
Managers should have the chance of personal choice
of the way in which they would like to take part in
the co-creating of this firm value. At present the ap-
proach to information systems building is oriented on
the implementation of portal solutions which enable
Agric. Econ. – czEch,
, 2008 (5): 217–223
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