• Computer Hardware Basics MOTHERBOARD CPU RAM POWER UNIT MONITOR Input device
  • Output device a piece of hardware device that receives information from a computer. Examples
  • Computer Software Basics Software
  • Device driver
  • Computer hardware and software Executant: Mansurov Akbar Checked: Avezova Dildora

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    Computer hardware and software
    1A Qala qurilisi Kaipov Salauatdin 1-tema, 1407840825 58601, Мустакил таълим, Mavzu korxonada mеhnatga haq to`lashni tashkil etish va takomil-fayllar.org, 569857-2023, 5353, PYTHON TILIDA DASTURLASH ASOSLARI (I-QISM), Kompyuter tarmoqlari-fayllar.org, \'\'Navoiy\'\' va \'\'Bobur\'\'ga tadbir, jamoada-konfliktlar-va-ularni-bartaraf-etish-yollari (1), Microsoft Word - Baltaeva ziyo net maruza matni, topografik xarita (10), Pul-kredit siyosati va ulardan foydalanish amaliyoti tahlili, 5-ma`ruza

    Computer hardware and software
    Executant: Mansurov Akbar
    Checked: Avezova Dildora
    Hardware – any physical device or equipment used in or with a computer system (anything you can see and touch).
    Computer Hardware Basics
    Input device
    a piece of hardware device which is used to enter information to a computer for processing.
    Examples: keyboard, mouse, trackpad (or touchpad), touchscreen, joystick, microphone, webcam, speech input, etc.
    Output device
    a piece of hardware device that receives information from a computer.
    Examples: monitor, printer, scanner, speaker, display screen (tablet, smartphone …), projector, head phone, etc.
    Storage device
    devices that store any type of information performed on a computer
    Examples: CPU, hard disk drive, RAM, etc.
    Computer Software Basics
    Software – a set of instructions or programs that tells a computer what to do or how to perform a specific task (computer software runs on hardware).
    Application software
    System software
    Application software
    a computer program that provides users with tools to accomplish a specific task.

    Examples of application software: word processing, spreadsheets, presentation, database management, Internet browsers, email programs, media players, accounting, pronunciation, translation, desktop publishing, enterprise, etc.
    System software
    it is designed to run a computer’s hardware and application software, and make the computer system available for use. It serves as the interface between hardware, application software, and the user.
    Operating system (OS) – a software that controls and coordinates the computer hardware devices and runs other software and applications on a computer. It is the main part of system software and a computer will not function without it.
    Device driver – a software program that is designed to control a particular hardware device that is attached to a computer.
    Utility software – a type of system software that helps set up, analyze, configure, strengthen, maintain a computer and performs a very specific task (e.g. antivirus software, backup software, memory tester, screen saver, etc.).
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    Computer hardware and software Executant: Mansurov Akbar Checked: Avezova Dildora

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