Exam practice: Speaking Part 2
Unit 8
Read the following prompt for an IELTS Speaking exam Part 2. Give yourself one minute to
prepare and make notes. Then speak for one to two minutes on the topic.
Describe a tra d itio n a l dish from your country. You should say:
• What it is made from
• How to cook it
When people eat it
And say why you like o r dislike it.
Now listen to the m odel answer.
Make some notes on how you could improve your answ er based on the m odel answer.
I didn't have a ll the vocabulary fo r cooking that I needed - took it up and learn more vocabulary
fo r key topics!
3 7
Employment and finance
A rtic le s
The definite article (the):
The is used mainly w ith singular nouns:
When the liste n e r/re a d e r knows which noun we are talking about, e ith e r because it has been
m entioned before or it is clear which one:
There is a new em ploym ent
law on retirem ent
ages. In my opinion, the law is unfair.
I th in k the governm ent needs to renew its
economic policy.
2 When the sp e a ke r/w rite r qualifies a noun w ith inform ation to make it definite:
You know, the m in iste r who was sacked because he was taking bribes.
3 Where there is only one of som ething:
The w orld is suffering from this economic downturn.
U With
'th e ... of ...’ and ‘the ... of a ... ’ (for definite noun phrases)
The rate of inflation is rising.
I noticed the papers of a fellow com m uter on the train.
5 With
superlatives, w ith geographical features and w eather, and w ith w ell-defined groups:
He is the hardest w orking
employee in the company.
I couldn't
get to w ork
because of the fog.
The bankers have put this
country into a state of crisis.