16 Health and fitness
P ronoun use
When we speak or w rite we often w ant to give more inform ation about som ething that we have
already mentioned. It is im portant that the listen e r o r reader always knows w hat we are speaking
or w ritin g about, so we use reference words such as
he, it, them.
Personal pronouns:
We use personal pronouns to refer back to a person or thing w hich has already been m entioned.
Subject pronouns are: /,
you, she, he, it, we, they
Object pronouns are:
me, you, her, him, it, us, them
My m other phoned to say she was ill.
have a very good personal tra in e r and I like him.
Note: It is a com m on pronoun to use in w ritin g and can be used in place of o ther pronouns such
this or
that fo r ideas or sentences (with no noun follow ing).