Unit 15
Pronouns and time words: In reported speech pronouns and tim e w ords change.
T i l qive vou my latest painting to m o rro w .’
She said she w ould give me her latest
painting the follow ing dav.
‘ I w ent to an interesting exhibition yesterday.’
He told me that he had been to an interesting
exhibition the previous dav.
Reporting verbs (advice, requests, orders, promises): There are many reporting verbs that
express interpretation or judgm ent such as
advise, deny, recommend, argue, promise, warn, claim.
These verbs always have a specific stru ctu re that is necessary to learn.
'D on't see that film .’
She warned me not to see
the film .
to warn + indirect object +
+ infinitive
‘We th in k schools should
teach more sociology'
Thev argued that schools
should teach more sociology.
to argue + that + clause
Note: In many reporting structu re s you can om it
Gram m ar tip: Reporting verbs help you to understand the opinion of the speaker. Make
sure you know the difference in meaning of com m on reporting verbs such as
claim, deny, order, promise, recommend, suggest, warn. For example,
argue and
are much stro n g er than
claim or