For the topic of globalization, predict some Speaking Part 3 questions. Two examples
have been done for you.
How has globalization affected the way we com m unicate?
2 As a resu lt of globalization, English has become the w orld language. Do you th in k this
is a positive or negative result?
3 ______________________________________________________________________________
Now listen to the questions on Track 2U of the CD and note them down. Are any sim ilar to
your questions?
Exam tip : For the Speaking exam it is a good idea to practise
predicting questions for
typical IELTS topics to help you th in k about how to use high
level g ra m m a r in your
answers. Using more complex stru ctu re s such as conditionals w ill
increase your
chances of getting a higher band score.
Read the examiner questions below and think about how you could answer them using
a conditional. Then answer the questions using conditional structures. Write down the
type(s) of conditional you used in your answer. The first example has been done for you.
Exam iner question: How do you think globalization m ight change the world in the future?
S tudent a nsw er:
I think that if globalization continues to develop, young people of the
future w ill have a different understanding of things like nationality and culture.
Gram mar for IELTS
Examiner question: Has globalization caused young people to
care less about th e ir
C onditional:____________________