14 Globalization
C o n d itio n a ls
Conditional stru ctu re s are used to ta lk about conditions and results. The condition is som ething
that m ust happen firs t in order fo r som ething else to happen as a result o r consequence.
Gram mar tip: Conditional stru ctu re s are usually presented as types (zero, first, second,
third, mixed] using specific structures. It is im po rta n t to rem em ber th a t these specific
s tru ctu re s are a general guide and that different tenses can be used in the condition
clause. There are also alternatives to
w ill/w ould in the result clause.
Zero conditional is used to ta lk about factual or true inform ation. We can use /Tor
when to
introduce the condition.
Nowadays when we com m unicate across cultures, we usually use English.