Exam practice: Reading - matching headings
Unit 17
Choose the correct heading fo r sections A -E from the lis t of num bered headings below the
follow ing Reading passage.
W rite the correct num ber i - viii next to Sections A-E.
Section A _____________
Fashion is said to have a language that can be read like a text. It serves as an explanation of
people's character, personality, lifestyle and values. It w orks by using signs and codes which
are recognisable to others and tra n s m it messages. These signs, codes and messages are called
sem iotics and influence a ll aspects of our daily lives. Sem iotics in fashion w orks to convey our
identity and in th is way messages can be projected to the outside w orld.
B _____________
The earliest types of clothing were body painting and adornments. According to experts it is
generally believed that the aim of these alterations was to modify the body in some way in order
to communicate a specific message. In modern tim es the aim is largely the same, although the
messages are more varied, complex and wide ranging. Nowadays it is common fo r people to use
clothing, colour, fabric, jewellery, hairstyles and even tattoos. Dr W alker from The Centre fo r Fashion
Studies asserts that how we style our bodies is one of the most im portant factors in defining the self.