Unit 17
Practice Exercises
Match fo llo w in g paragraph sentences to th e ir functions.
During the 1960s fashion in the West w ent through an extensive transfo rm a tion .
Most of the changes were due to the influence of popular m usic and the ideas of young
3 The new less tra d itio n a l views of lifestyle were seen in item s of clothing such as the
m in is k irt and the choice of bright colours, which became popular w ith young people.
In contrast, people from the old e r generation saw this new fashion as underm ining
tra d itio n a l values.
5 This conflict over fashion between the younger and old e r generations has continued
since then.
A Result
C Opposite view
E Example
B Reason
D Topic sentence
The te xt below is fro m an IELTS W ritin g Task 1. Look at the graph, divide the te xt into
three paragraphs and then lab e l the function of each paragraph.
per cent
B razil
Percentage of yearly income spent on the clothes by age group and nationality.
The bar cha rt shows the percentage of th e ir income th a t d ifferent age groups spend on
clothing in a year. The age groups are children and teenagers, young adults and m iddle
aged people, and the data is from fo u r countries. Overall, we can see that the 20-39 age
group spends the largest part of th e ir income, between 35 and 40 per cent on clothes. In
contrast, the group which spends the least on clothes is the oldest group who are between
40 and 60 years old except fo r in B razil w here this age group spends the m ost on clothing.
Regarding nationality, in the USA it can be seen that the expenditure on clothes decreases
w ith age, whereas in Brazil this trend is reversed. In Japan and Russia the distribution
of spending across the age groups is proportionally s im ila r but fo r a ll age groups the
Japanese spend more than the Russians.
A Gives an overall trend and additional details on age groups.
B Provides an introduction to w hat inform ation is in the graph.
C Gives the overall trends fo r d ifferent nationalities.