Grammar tip: Always make sure that any paragraph you w rite has one main idea or
Decide w hich heading A, B o r C co rre ctly describes the main idea in each paragraph.
Exam tip: When you are m atching headings to paragraphs in the IELTS Reading exam,
make sure that the heading matches the
main idea of the paragraph not the details.
Fashion is often described as a statem ent of individuality. Despite the fact that many
people believe that they have a neutral approach to fashion, the selection of brands and
specific item s of clothing can reveal a lot about a person's image. An example of this is
people who do not buy designer clothes but purchase designer glasses. As a functional
accessory it seems unnecessary to purchase designer glasses. Fashion experts claim
that this occurs p rim a rily because these people have to w ear glasses so they want to
make them selves stand out through th e ir glasses choice although they do not apply
this to th e ir clothing choices.
A Why designer glasses are more im portant than designer clothes.
B Expert advice fo r choosing designer glasses.
C How exclusive item s can be used as a personal fashion statem ent.
2 There are many benefits to the w earing of uniform s at school. Firstly, it reduces the
likelihood of children being able to guess the social and financial standing of th e ir
classm ates. This can help manage bullying in schools, which is often directed at
children from low er income fam ilies. By w earing uniform s children are less able to
display th e ir w ealth or ability to purchase fashionable clothing. As a result, there is
more chance of children receiving more equal tre a tm e n t from th e ir peers and staff.
A School uniform s make differences in fam ily income less noticeable