animating environmental influences” (p. 1175). Social cognitive theory, according to Bandura
(1989), subscribes to a model of interactive agency. He explained environments have causes as
do behaviors and contended that in this interactive agency model, individuals determine the
nature of their environment and are influenced by it. He proposed the human “capacity to
manipulate symbols and engage in reflective thought allows individuals to generate novel ideas
and innovative actions that transcend their past experiences . . . to realize valued futures”
(Bandura, 1989, p. 1182). Heutagogy’s emphasis on the development of autonomy, capacity, and
capability adds another counterbalance to this theoretical lens. A self-directed learning approach
requires learners to set their goals, reflect on their learning experiences, and take action toward
achieving their goals. Heutagogy emphasizes nurturing capability in learners (Hase & Kenyon,
2007). The role of teachers and course designers is implicit in this approach as they are the ones
designing and delivering the instructional content that will nurture capability in the learners. The
combined use of these theories as a lens recognizes that although students are the focus, teachers
still play a very important role in HyFlex learning environments.