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Rakhmatova Masuda Gaybullaevna 
PhD., senior teacher, named after I. Karimov 
Samiyev Muhammadsodiq, student, TSTU named after I. Karimov
The digital revolution, which is manifested as a new stage of world economic and 
technological development, is rapidly changing the economy and gaining importance in the 
purposeful introduction of new innovative technologies and improvement of existing technologies in 
the development of the oil and gas industry. According to the scientific research of the World Bank 
in 2020, the share of the "digital economy" in the gross domestic product in economically developed 
countries will reach 60%, precisely because of the wide application and effective use of digital 
technology innovations in industries and service sectors.
According to the scientific research of global economists, special attention is being paid to 
scientific research on the application of digital technologies to industrial enterprises in today's 
increasingly digitized global world. In this regard, methodological aspects of implementation of "big 
data", "cloud computing", "artificial intelligence" and "block chain technology" as well as these 
scientific researches related to researching the influence of technologies on social and economic 
development are being carried out. Despite the fact that this network is developing rapidly in 
Uzbekistan, which is being modernized, the development of new types of digital technologies, their 
introduction into various industries and sectors of the economy, especially the low level of production 
of software products, and insufficient use in the field of science and education remain a problem.
In the Address of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan Shavkat Mirziyoyev to the Oliy 
Majlis dated January 24, 2020, "... we need to develop a national concept of the Digital Economy, 
which involves updating all sectors of the economy based on digital technologies. On this basis, it is 
necessary to implement the "Digital Uzbekistan - 2030" program. The digital economy allows to 

increase the gross domestic product by at least 30%, to reduce corruption drastically. Analyzes 
conducted by reputable international organizations also confirm this...». The effective solution of 
tasks in this "Digital Uzbekistan - 2030" program requires the creation of transformational types of 
digital technologies and the development of industrial development mechanisms.
In today's globalization of the global economy and information society, almost all economic 
theories recognize digital technologies, software and platforms as the main factors of the "Industry 
4.0" revolution. To date, the theory of the digital economy has not yet been fully formed and is widely 
studied by many economists. According to A. Busygin, innovation is the renewal of the main capital 
(production funds) or the manufactured product on the basis of science, technology, and technology. 
In some cases, production is based not only partially, but entirely on innovation, resulting in a product 
or use of a strictly new classification and characteristic. 
According to R. Fatkhutdinov's conclusion, innovation is the final result of the implementation 
of the innovation, and the change of object management is a social-economic, scientific-technical, 
ecological and other form of efficiency. Innovation is fundamental, practical research is designed or 
experimental work to improve the efficiency of a certain activity. 
Therefore, from the above-mentioned opinions and conclusions of economists and experts, it 
is clear that innovation is the creation of new goods or the improvement of the quality of manufactured 
goods by gradually introducing the latest achievements of science and technology into the production 
process in order to achieve high efficiency in the enterprise. In the literature prepared on digital 
technologies (various books, textbooks, scientific articles and monographs), there are many diverse 
opinions and observations about "digital technology", "digital economy", and there is no unified 
approach to them. Through our studies and research, the term "digital economy" was first coined in 
1995 by Don Tapscott in his work "The Digital Economy: Cyber Intelligence and Risk". According 
to Don Tapscott, all processes in the digital economy "are based on a digital electronic system, namely 
the Internet, digital information and computer technology." Economic and social processes in the 
society, business, finance - credit services and a number of other activities are carried out on the basis 
of electronic technologies that serve to implement the Internet (web) and digital communications [6]. 
In the scientific literature, the modern "New digital economy" is called by different terms. For 
example, "e-economy" (Khyvel M), "post-industrial economy" (A. Sokolov)[8], "informed economy" 
(M. Kastells)[9], "megaeconomy" (V. Kuvaldin), "economy based on information and 
communication" (I. Niniluto), "technoeconomy or digital economy" (B. Gates), "economy based on 
knowledge" (D. Tapscott)[10]. The factor connecting these concepts is the primary place of 
information technologies in the process of globalization of economic processes. As part of the 
research, B.A. Begalov, N.M. from our local scientists on improving the digitization process in the 
economy. Makhmudovlar, in his scientific work, played an important role in supporting research and 
innovation in the industrial economy, setting technical standards, which in turn helped to create a new 
sector of the innovative economy - the digital market. 
As a result of the research, the author developed a new definition of "digital technology" as 
an automated activity that envisages the widespread introduction of technologies through the 
programming or programming of production, processing, and distribution processes in a logical 
sequence. Therefore, the production process organized on the basis of programming is a production 
process based on infrastructure with additional conveniences, improved, automated, robotized, finally 
digitized compared to the traditional production process. In our opinion, it would be wrong to think 
that the concepts of "digital economy" and "digital technology" are fundamentally different from each 
other. On the contrary, we believe that the digital economy is the final result of digitalization and 
automation of production, developed as a result of the development of digital technologies (software, 
Internet (web), platforms). Digital technologies are the basis of intelligent digital control of the 
production process. At the end of the 20th century, the approaches and principles of the "Industry 
4.0" revolution in industrial enterprises of developed countries have changed significantly. In the 
countries, the technical condition of industrial enterprises, mechanisms and intervention of the human 
factor began to decrease. Successful international experiences in Russia, China, Japan, USA, India 

and Iran on improvement of digital technologies in industrial enterprises were studied. Over the years, 
the growth in digital technologies and their impact on our lives has changed significantly. As a result 
of the increased demand for the activities of oil and gas companies in the sector, they have become 
the growth points that need to be provided with a digital resource for the economy. Investments in 
digitalization by private companies in Uzbekistan make up 0.12% of GDP. By comparison, the US 
has the highest rate in the world at 5%, followed by Western Europe at 3.9% and Brazil at 3.6%. 
According to world scientists, the widespread use of digital technologies in various fields will 
lead to an increase in labor productivity, expansion of convenience and opportunities, increase in the 
quality of production, development of industry and growth of the economy. Our research shows that 
the application of software to production processes helps to save financial resources in many ways. 
That is why countries of the developed and developing world use digital technologies and software 
products in the industrial sector and seek to further develop the infrastructure. When we consider the 
activities of Mubarak Oil and Gas Production Department enterprises from the point of view of 
general economic positions, this enterprise is a stable social structure, which receives resources from 
the environment and turns them into products of its activity. 
When we consider the activities of Mubarak Oil and Gas Production Department enterprises 
from the point of view of general economic positions, this enterprise is a stable social structure, which 
receives resources from the environment and turns them into products of its activity. In the course of 
our research, we analyzed the production volume of the enterprises of the Mubarak Oil and Gas 
Production Department in the period 2014-2021 in the form of products. According to Table 1, natural 
gas condensate was 365.92 million m
in 2014, and will be 409.77 million m
by 2021. For the same 
years, separate operations related to the preparation of natural gas performed by the subcontractor 
amounted to 1,096,905 million soums in 2014, and 3,501.5 million soums by 2021. Liquefied propane 
and butane amounted to 236.06 million m
in 2014, and 310.843 million m3 by 2021. If we pay 
attention to the table, by 2017 it had a decreasing trend, that is, it was 257,453 million m
. We can 
see that other steam and hot water (heat energy) have a decreasing trend, reaching 1961.9 thousand 
Goal in 2014 and 1948.324 thousand Goal by 2021. Also, during our research, we analyzed the 
company's financial results, export volume, finished product balance at the end of the period, the 
average number of employees of the company on the list, the average nominal salary for employees 
and the level of profitability of the company. 
As can be seen from the above data, the financial result of 2964.8 million soums in 2014 and 
9074.3 million soums in 2021 can be attributed to the demand for the product. The export volume in 
2014 was 6119.8 thousand US dollars, and we can see only the dynamics of growth in the numbers 
of the export volume from year to year, and this figure will be 10123.7 thousand US dollars by 2021. 
The balance of finished products at the end of the period was 10546.6 million soms in 2014, but by 
2015 this figure decreased to 7465.6 million soms, which caused the decrease of the balance of 
finished products at the end of the period. In the following years, this indicator increased year by 
year, and by 2021 it amounted to 60,412.9 million soums. The number of employees in 2014 was 
3998 people, and by 2021 this figure will be 3584 people. The average nominal salary in 2014 was 
1475.6 thousand soums, and in 2021 this indicator was 4213.7 thousand soums. The level of 
profitability in the enterprise was 5.3 from 2014, and this indicator increased until 2014 and made 
9.4%. However, due to the increase in the company's financial costs by 2018, this indicator was 9.1%, 
and by 2021, it was 8.7% due to the global pandemic. The composition of machinery and equipment 
used in the main production by age (based on the year of production of the equipment) 93.5% up to 
3 years, 3.3% up to 4-5 years, 1.9% up to 6-10 years, more than 10 years and it is 1.3%. Also, the rate 
of wear and tear of machinery and tools used in the main production (based on the year of manufacture 
of the tool) is 31.9%. In order to improve the production process, the enterprise will have to make 
extensive use of the achievements of modern digital technologies, control production through 
programming and automation, and provide automated integration between departments and 
workshops of the enterprise. 

There are enough problems in the oil and gas network, which are mainly related to technical 
and technological updates. Due to the insufficient increase of reserves, the forecast of natural gas 
extraction and production of oil products in 2018 was not fulfilled sufficiently. The forecast for the 
volume of drilling in the geological-exploration process has been fulfilled by 67%. If these works 
were completed, it would be possible to increase the reserve even more. Also, only 59% of the forecast 
of operational drilling works and 50% of the forecast of the number of completed wells were fulfilled. 
As a result of the conducted research, the following conclusions were formed regarding the 
possibility of achieving economic recovery of financially unstable enterprises by introducing 
innovative technologies in the branch enterprises, which are connected with the use of important 
economic natural gas not as a fuel in the national economy, but as a raw material: 
We propose to improve the infrastructure of the oil and gas enterprises operating in our 
country, and at the same time introduce new software products to the oil and gas sector, as well as to 
the process of extraction and production of oil reserves. 
The method of integral assessment of the dynamics of economic growth in processing 
industries was improved based on the method of index comparison of the intensive and extensive 
factors of economic growth based on indicators of labor productivity, return of funds. According to 
this methodology, the overall economic growth index in the processing industry has been increased 
by 1.07. 
If we use the experience of advanced industrialized countries in modern innovative 
technologies and their effective use, the experience of using digital technologies in the Republic of 
Korea is especially important. In this regard, one of the important priorities in the introduction of 
modern innovative and digital technologies in our country, we propose a strategy aimed at the 
introduction of techniques and technologies of foreign projects. 

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