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6. Hoshimov O‘. “Ikki eshik orasi” asari. Toshkent-2021.
Tilshunoslikdagi zamonaviy yo
nalishlar: muammo va yechimlar
Bekjanova Zamira Ismailovna
French language teacher
Rahimova Mehribon Allayarovna
intern researcher
Urgench state university
Annotatsiya: Ushbu maqolada fransuz va o‘zbek tillarida modallik
kategoriyasining ifodalanish usullari talqin qilingan. O‘zbek va fransuz tillarida
sodda gaplarda mumkinlik kategoriyasining ishlatilishi turli misollar yordamida
ochib berilgan.
Annotation: This article explains how to express the modality category in
French and Uzbek languages. The use of the possibility category in simple sentences
in Uzbek and French is illustrated by various examples.
Аннотация: В этой статье объясняется, как выразить категорию
модальности во французском и узбекском языках. Использование категории
возможности в простых предложениях узбекского и французского языков
иллюстрируется различными примерами.
Modality (latin modalis - measure, method) is a functional-semantic category
that describes different aspects of the relationship of thought to reality, as well as
different forms of subjective classification of what is being said. The term "modality"
is used to describe phenomena that vary in spiritual size, grammatical features, and
degree of formation at different levels of language construction. Modality, together
with the meanings of person and tense, forms a category of predicatives. Modality
can be objective or subjective. Objective modality refers to the relation of a thought
to reality (real and unreal, possibility and impossibility, necessity and probability)
and is expressed through grammatical and lexical means (inclination, modal word,
load, intonation). Subjective modality refers to a speaker's response to an idea (belief
or disbelief, consent or disagreement, expressive evaluation) and is expressed by
word order, intonation, lexical repetition, modal word, load, exhortation, preposition,
phrase, and preposition.
Aristotle's students and commentators, Theophrastus, Eudemus of Rhodes,
and others, studied the differences between the judgments. Kant's classification of
judgments is widely used in modern logic and philosophy. According to this
Tilshunoslikdagi zamonaviy yo
nalishlar: muammo va yechimlar
classification, judgments are divided into assertic (discussion of reality), apodic
(discussion of necessity) and problematic (discussion of opportunity). Modality can
be original (absolute) and relative (conditional). Sentences such as "true" and "false",
"proven" and "unproven" or "denied" are also included in the scope of modality in
the sciences of logic and logical semantics.
In French and Uzbek, the use of the modal verb in simple verbs means
different semantic meanings. In both languages, the meaning of possibility is related
to the concepts of time, permission, status, evaluation, approval, desire, status, and
different lexical tools have been used to express meanings.
(1) « Ils ne se réveilleront pas
«Отанг ва онанг ухлаб қолишган, -
avant demain matin. Tu peux
деди у, -эрталабгача уйғонишмайди.
rester ici »
Шу ерда қолавер»
(2) Je ne puis pas travailler sans
-Папироссиз ишлай олмайман,
fumer, dit elle.
- деди у.
(3) Alors John put marcher vers le Жонда лава супасининг ўртасига
centre de la plaine de lave
қараб юриш имконияти туғилди.
(4). Enchantй, dit-il, monsieur, de
Сиз билан танишганимдан бағоят
pouvoir faire votre connaissance.
бахтиёрман (имконият), -деб
The meaning of possibility came in the present tense using the modal verb
pouvoir in the first sentence. Along with this category, there are also lexical words
that mean time: auxiliary avant and tense forms demain matin, and ici also means
place. In the next sentence (2) the category of possibility is used in the present tense
with the modal verb, indicating the inner mental state of the modal subject. In the
third example (3), the category of possibility is introduced with a modal verb, in
which the preterite tense is used to denote the completed action. This word is given
by the word alors, meaning affirmation, conclusion, and conclusion. The last
example (4) differs from other statements in that it uses a modal verb without a
preposition, embodying semantic meanings such as desire, situation, and outcome.
Instead of the semantic subject of the given examples, personal pronouns and
pronouns are used, in which the category of internal subjective possibility is
expressed. In the examples, there is an activity ratio in the verb-cutting function, in
which the present simple past tense is used and the indefinite form of the modal verb
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nalishlar: muammo va yechimlar
is used, and the category of possibility also means the action that may or may not
take place in the future.