• Pharmacokinetics
  • Infants with post-haemorrhagic ventricular dilatation

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    Infants with post-haemorrhagic ventricular dilatation: Diuretic therapy is neither effective nor safe in treating post-haemorrhagic ventricular dilatation.10 (LOE I, GOR B)

    Continuous infusion versus intermittent administration of furosemide: The safety and benefits of continuous infusion of furosemide is unclear.11–13In adults and children, no significant increase in urine output except for when loading dose administered prior to infusion.11 (LOE I, GOR C)

    Pharmacokinetics: Plasma t½ of furosemide is 7.7–26.8 hours in neonates. It is lower in immature infants (mean t½ > 20 hours)22. Drug accumulation may occur with 12 hour dosing especially in infants < 33 weeks PMA.14 (LOE IV, GOR B)

    The bioavailability of oral furosemide markedly reduced in preterm infants – estimated at 20%15 compared to ~60% in adults.16 94% is plasma protein bound.15 (LOE IV GOR C)

    Furosemide is primarily cleared via renal secretion (60–70%).16 Clearance is reduced in renal impairment.

    Safety: Furosemide results in renal excretion of calcium, sodium, chloride and potassium.17 Prolonged and high dose use of furosemide, especially in the context of other ototoxic treatments (including aminoglycosides), has been associated with ototoxicity.18–20 Blood concentrations exceeding 0.05 mg/mL may be associated with ototoxicity.14 (LOE III-2 GOR B). Prolonged furosemide treatment and treatment combined with acetazolamide is associated with nephrocalcinosis.10, 21 (LOE I GOR B)

    Alternate day furosemide may be associated with a lower risk of electrolyte and mineral abnormalities.23


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    9. Lee BS, Byun SY, Chung ML, Chang JY, Kim HY, Kim EA, Kim KS, Pi SY. Effect of furosemide on ductal closure and renal function in indomethacin-treated preterm infants during the early neonatal period. Neonatology. 2010;98:191-9.

    10. Whitelaw A, Kennedy CR, Brion LP. Diuretic therapy for newborn infants with posthemorrhagic ventricular dilatation. Cochrane Database Syst Rev. 2001:CD002270.

    11. Alqahtani F, Koulouridis I, Susantitaphong P, Dahal K, Jaber BL. A meta-analysis of continuous vs intermittent infusion of loop diuretics in hospitalized patients. J Crit Care. 2014;29:10-7.

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    14. Pacifici GM. Clinical pharmacology of the loop diuretics furosemide and bumetanide in neonates and infants. Paediatr Drugs. 2012;14:233-46.

    15. Peterson RG, Simmons MA, Rumack BH, Levine RL, Brooks JG. Pharmacology of furosemide in the premature newborn infant. J Pediatr. 1980;97:139-43.

    16. Van Wart SA, Shoaf SE, Mallikaarjun S, Mager DE. Population-based meta-analysis of furosemide pharmacokinetics. Biopharm Drug Dispos. 2014;35:119-33.

    17. Atkinson SA, Shah JK, McGee C, Steele BT. Mineral excretion in premature infants receiving various diuretic therapies. J Pediatr. 1988;113:540-5.

    18. Borradori C, Fawer CL, Buclin T, Calame A. Risk factors of sensorineural hearing loss in preterm infants. Biol Neonate. 1997;71:1-10.

    19. Robertson CM, Alton GY, Bork KT, Joffe AR, Tawfik GC, Sauve RS, Moddemann DM, Ross DB, Rebeyka IM. Bilateral sensory permanent hearing loss after palliative hypoplastic left heart syndrome operation. Ann Thorac Surg. 2012;93:1248-53.

    20. Robertson CM, Tyebkhan JM, Peliowski A, Etches PC, Cheung PY. Ototoxic drugs and sensorineural hearing loss following severe neonatal respiratory failure. Acta Paediatr. 2006;95:214-23.

    21. Gimpel C, Krause A, Franck P, Krueger M, von Schnakenburg C. Exposure to furosemide as the strongest risk factor for nephrocalcinosis in preterm infants. Pediatr Int. 2010;52:51-6.

    22. Pacifici GM. Clinical Pharmacology of Furosemide in Neonates: A Review. Pharmaceuticals 2013;6:1094-1129.

    23. Rush MG, Engelhardt B, Parker RA, Hazinski TA. Double-blind, placebo-controlled trial of alternate-day furosemide therapy in infants with chronic bronchopulmonary dysplasia. J Pediatr. 1990;117:112-8.

    Original version Date: 18/7/2016

    Author: NeoMed Consensus Group

    Current Version number: 1.2

    Current Version Date: 19-4-2018

    Risk Rating: Medium

    Due for Review: 19-4-2021

    Approved by: DTC

    Approval Date: TBA

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