• Calcium salt equivalents of elemental calcium
  • Evidence summary Hypocalcaemia
  • Efficacy: Treatment of hypocalcaemia
  • Prevention of hypocalcaemia
  • Treatment in cardiac arrest
  • ANZCOR Paediatric recommendation
  • Arrhythmia caused by hyperkalaemia, hypocalcaemia or hypermagnesaemia, or hypotension caused by calcium channel blocker
  • ANZCOR Paediatric guideline
  • Neonatal Intensive Care Drug Manual

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    Hypocalcaemia defined as a serum total calcium concentration below 1.875 mol/L [7.5 mg/dL] or ionized calcium less than 1.2 mmol/L.[1]
    Blood gas machines measure ionised calcium directly and are more accurate than the main pathology laboratory which calculates the ionised calcium from a complex formula.

    Corrected calcium is calculated (when albumin < 40 or > 45) by the formula:

    = measured Ca (mmol/L) + 0.025 x (40 – albumin (g/L))
    Consider use of hyaluronidase for treatment of extravasation injuries.
    Calcium salt equivalents of elemental calcium


    Elemental Ca

    Calcium chloride 10% 1 mL

    1.36 mEq

    27.3 mg

    0.68 mmol

    Calcium gluconate 10% 1 mL

    0.46 mEq

    9.3 mg

    0.22 mmol23

    Salt 1g

    Calcium Acetate

    12.6 mEq

    253 mg

    6.30 mmol

    Calcium Carbonate

    19.9 mEq

    400 mg

    9.96 mmol

    Calcium Citrate

    10.5 mEq

    211 mg

    5.26 mmol

    Calcium Chloride

    13.6 mEq

    273 mg

    6.80 mmol

    Calcium Glubionate

    3.29 mEq

    66 mg

    1.64 mmol

    Calcium Gluceptate

    4.08 mEq

    82 mg

    2.04 mmol

    Calcium Gluconate

    4.65 mEq

    93 mg

    2.32 mmol

    Evidence summary


    Hypocalcaemia may be defined as a serum total calcium concentration <1.875 mmol/L (7.5 mg/dL) or ionized calcium < 1.2 mmol/L.[1] Calcium concentrations decrease transiently after birth.[2-4] Early neonatal hypocalcaemia occurs within the first 3 days of life and is common in premature infants with 26% to 50% having levels < 1.75 mmol/L (7 mg/dL).[2-4] Most infants will be asymptomatic, with hypocalcaemia detected only on routine chemistries. They may present with symptoms of neuromuscular irritability including tremulousness, tetany, exaggerated startle response, seizures and laryngospasm, and nonspecific symptoms such as apnea.[1, 3]


    Treatment of hypocalcaemia: In normocalcaemic infants, a randomised trial of calcium chloride 10% (2.5 mg/kg) vs calcium gluconate 10% (7.5 mg/kg) reported an equal effect on calcium concentrations.[5] However, in 49 critically ill, hypocalcaemic infants (age 1 day to 17 years), calcium chloride 0.136 mEq/kg per dose resulted in a greater increase in ionised calcium and blood pressure than calcium gluconate 0.136 mEq/kg per dose. The group receiving calcium chloride had an increase in MAP of nearly 6 mm Hg (p <0.05). No change in blood pressure was seen in the group receiving calcium gluconate.[6] In 104 newborns with late symptomatic hypocalcaemia after artificial feeding with a full-cream evaporated milk were randomly allocated to calcium gluconate 10% 10 ml orally vs phenobarbitone 75 mg 6-hourly orally for 48 hours vs magnesium sulphate 50% 0.2 mL/kg intramuscularly on two occasions 12 hourly. The plasma calcium levels rose in all groups, but infants treated with magnesium sulphate had higher plasma-calcium concentrations after 48 hours’ treatment and fewer convulsions during and after the treatment period.[7]

    Prevention of hypocalcaemia: In preterm and sick newborn infants, the addition of calcium gluconate 10% at 4 ml/kg/day [0.93 mmol/day calcium] to maintenance fluids for 120 hours resulted in a reduction in hypocalcaemia incidence (15% vs 48% ionised Ca <0.7 mmol/l) but an increased incidence of extravasation with tissue damage (35% vs 10%). The benefit of intravenous calcium was short lived and associated with a significant risk of local tissue necrosis.[8]


    Routine addition of calcium to maintenance fluids cannot be recommended in high risk babies.[8](LOE II GOR C)

    Treatment of newborns with acute or symptomatic hypocalcaemia is accomplished best by the intravenous infusion of calcium salts - 10% calcium gluconate (9.3 mg/mL of elemental calcium) is used most commonly. In asymptomatic newborns, treatment is indicated when the total serum calcium concentration < 1.5 mmol/L (6 mg/dL) in the preterm infant and less than <1.75 mmol/L (7 mg/dL) in the term infant. Calcium supplementation can be given either by the intravenous or oral route, depending on the clinical status of the infant. [1] [Expert opinion].
    Treatment in cardiac arrest: Calcium is not commended for use in neonatal resuscitation by ILCOR or ANZCOR.[9, 10] Evidence from three LOE 2 studies in children and five LOE 5 adult studies failed to document an improvement in survival to hospital admission, hospital discharge, or favourable neurological outcome when calcium was administered during cardiopulmonary arrest in the absence of documented hypocalcaemia, calcium channel blocker overdose, hypermagnesaemia or hyperkalaemia. [11, 12] [Expert Consensus Opinion]

    ANZCOR Paediatric recommendation: Calcium may be used as an inotropic or vasopressor but it has no place in the management of an arrhythmia unless it is caused by hyperkalaemia, hypocalcaemia, hypermagnesaemia or calcium channel blocker. It should not be given routinely at a cardiac arrest and is associated with worse outcome. [11] [Expert Consensus Opinion]
    Arrhythmia caused by hyperkalaemia, hypocalcaemia or hypermagnesaemia, or hypotension caused by calcium channel blocker: In a case series, extremely premature infants with arrhythmia secondary to hyperkalaemia were all initially successfully treated with an intravenous bolus of calcium (dose not reported). [13, 14]

    ANZCOR Paediatric guideline: Calcium (0.15 mmol/kg) is the antidote to hypotension caused by a calcium channel blocker.[9] The intravenous or intraosseous dose is 0.2mL/kg of 10% calcium chloride or 0.7mL/kg of 10% calcium gluconate. [11] [Expert Consensus Opinion]
    Exchange transfusion: Exchange transfusion with blood stored in citrate causes a fall in ionised calcium concentrations.[15, 16] Current supplies of Australian Red Cross Blood Service whole blood contain citrate, whereas packed red cells contain saline, adenine, glucose and mannitol. A quasi-random trial of 30 infants undergoing exchange transfusion for hyperbilirubinaemia with CPD stored whole blood with intervention group receiving 1 mL 10% calcium gluconate for every 100 mL blood reported the intervention group had a significant increase in total and ionised calcium whereas control group had a fall in total and ionised calcium. However, the difference was not clinically important.[17] Conclusion: A systematic review concluded there is no good-quality evidence to support or reject continual use of calcium during exchange transfusion with citrated blood.[18]

    The addition of calcium gluconate 10% at 4 ml/kg/day [0.93 mmol/day calcium] to intravenous maintenance fluids increased incidence of extravasation with tissue damage (35% vs 10%).

    Calcium gluconate solution in glass containers contains almost 200 times more aluminium than calcium gluconate in plastic containers, due to the solution leaching aluminium from the glass. The Paediatric Medicines Expert Advisory Group recommended that these products should no longer be used for repeated or prolonged treatment of children or those with impaired renal function. [19]

    Calcium can slow the heart rate and precipitate arrhythmias. In cardiac arrest, calcium may be given by rapid intravenous injection. In the presence of a spontaneous circulation give it slowly. Do not give calcium solutions and sodium bicarbonate simultaneously by the same route to avoid precipitation.[20]


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    Original version Date: 24/8/2016

    Author: NMF Consensus Group

    Current Version number: 2

    Version Date: 2/3/2021

    Risk Rating: Medium

    Due for Review: 2/3/2024

    Approval by: DTC

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