8 Work in pairs. Read the statement and discuss it.
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• FTdeological attack is more powerful than military assault |
9 Read the text, choose and circle the appropriate heading for each paragraph.
1. Dangers of Virtual World/Stealing Information/
2. Information for Business/Infringement Of Copy
right is Illegal/Intellectual Property
3. Ideological Pressure/Ideology is Bad/Ideology is
a Set of ldeas
4. Information is Speeding/Difference between At
a. As there are advantages and disadvantages of
every invention, sphere, and revolution, speeding
of information also has two sides. When something
happens or is discovered or invented in one comer
of our planet, the whole world learns about It
immediately. But there is a notion of information
attack. It fan be understood in two ways; the first
interpretation is “attack to information” and the
second is “attack somebody or something with
the help o f information” Both of them are more
dangerous showing catastrophic consequences
than any type of attack with weapons or tanks.
b. .Attack to information is penetrating into ones
PC and ffionitoring, snooping, spying, Stealing
Information and so on. The worst site 1s that Is I
easy to hack (steal) your information virtually and I