• 1st year graduate student at Fargona State University ANNOTATSIYA
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  • Pedagogical principles of developing the spiritual-moral competence of students through modern pedagogy

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    Abdullayev Rozimukhammad Akramjon ugli OA K

    Maksudov Ulugbek Kurbanovich
    Department of Pedagogy, Fargona State University, etc. associate professor, Ph.D.
    Abdullayev Rozimukhammad Akramjon ugli
    1st year graduate student at Fargona State University

    Ushbu maqolada talabalarning manaviy axloqiy kompetentligini turli vositalar qatori jadid pedagoglarining yorqin asarlari, ularning ozlari yashagan davrda pedagogik jarayonni takomillashtirishdagi samarali ishlari, talabalarning kompetentligini jadid pedagogikasidagi marifat, vatanga muhabbat tuygusi, manaviyat, manaviy axloqiy sifatlarni shakllantirish vositalarini qollash asosida shakllantirish asolari tahlil qilingan.
    Kalit sozlar: talabalar, manaviy-axloq, kompetentlik, metod, shakl, vosita, jadid pedagogikasi.
    This article analyzes the basics of the formation of spiritual and moral competence of students based on the use of bright works of Jadid teachers among various means, their fruitful work on improving the pedagogical process during their existence, the use of means of formation in Jadid pedagogy of education, feelings of love for the Motherland, spirituality, spiritual and moral qualities.
    Key words: students, spiritual-morality, competence, method, form, tool, modern pedagogy.

    В данной статье анализируются основы формирования духовно-нравственной компетентности учащихся на основе использования среди различных средств ярких работ джадидских педагогов, их плодотворной работы по совершенствованию педагогического процесса в период своего существования, использование средств формирования в джадидской педагогике воспитания, чувства любви к Родине, духовности, духовно-нравственных качеств.
    Ключевые слова: студенты, духовно-нравственные, компетентность, метод, форма, инструмент, современная педагогика.
    It is a fact that in today's world, in the process of globalization, there is a serious struggle for human consciousness and thinking. Educating students and youth as individuals who can think independently with their own mind and thinking, who can protect their people and the Motherland in the process of globalization constitutes the content of the reforms implemented in the field of education and requires that students and youth acquire spiritual and moral knowledge.
    About this, in the decision of the head of state on May 3, 2019 on additional measures to increase the effectiveness of spiritual and educational work, the forum of the youth of Uzbekistan on December 25, 2020, and the address to the Oliy Majlis of the Republic, the head of state stated on December 29, 2020, the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan Shavkat Mirziyoyev emphasized that education, manners, intelligence, knowledge and spirituality are an incomparable power and spiritual resource for our nation, which is determined to create the foundations of the Third Renaissance. Because spiritual and moral qualities have always been a measure of incomparable strength, happiness, peace, creativity, harmony, spiritual purification, and a boon that elevates the soul. Because he called the nation, the people, that is, the people to live on the basis of high qualities and moral standards that lead to perfection, not to become a prisoner of lust and negligence, to always be vigilant in the path of goodness.
    Enlightenment ideas of modern times play an important role in the spiritual and moral education of students. Jadidism is actually a manifestation of the Enlightenment movement. That's why we found it necessary to start the statement of the issue by explaining the concepts of enlightenment and enlightenment and its importance.
    The dictionary meaning of Marifat means knowledge, acquaintance, knowledge. In other words, knowledge is an educational process aimed at increasing people's consciousness and culture. The meaning of the word "enlightenment" in most people is education. Marifat as a term means a complex of various knowledge and information about nature, society and human nature. Knowledgeable means knowledgeable, has knowledge in a certain field. In the modern era, when the sciences are developing deeply and widely, every person who strives for knowledge and science, a student, a person of science, can achieve only a certain field of knowledge, that is, enlightenment. For example, they master a certain field of chemistry, as well as certain areas of mathematics, physics, biology, medicine, etc.
    Inculcation of knowledge into life is carried out through the educational system, which means that knowledge is a combined content of knowledge and culture, and education is a tool and means of spreading this content.
    Marifat is mainly distributed in schools and educational institutions providing general and secondary special education. The concept of education is broader than the concept of education and includes all types, forms and fields of spreading and improving knowledge and culture.
    In society, marifat, that is, knowledge, is spread through enlighteners. Marifatparvar fighter for enlightenment; light of knowledge, light of knowledge; means patron and supporter of marifat.
    The movement of humanity from one society to another, from one historical period to another, begins with enlightenment. He is the most mature mind of our time, knows black and white, is selfless, lives as my people, my country, and has a far-seeing spirituality. Marifatparvars usually put forward important ideas for the present and future of the society, the country, the people, and fight for the realization of these ideas.
    Enlightenment eliminates fear and spiritual dependence, gives a person incomparable divine power and unparalleled potential. Therefore, freedom fighters believe that the freedom of the country and nation lies in the enlightened awakening of the people and fight for enlightenment. Our people have been striving for enlightenment since time immemorial. Scholars who made a great contribution to the development of world science have grown up from this country. They amazed the people of world science both in the field of secular and religious sciences. For example, in 1998, the 1200th anniversary of the birth of Ahmad al-Farghani and the 1225th anniversary of the birth of Imam al-Bukhari, the sultan of hadith science, were widely celebrated.
    Al-Faroabi, al-Khorazmi, Beruni, Ibn Sina, Mirza Ulugbek, etc., who created in the 1960s, not only mastered the realms of knowledge, but also spread knowledge and educated students.
    The Turkestan Enlightenment School has a rich history and a great heritage. Makhmudhoja Behbudi, Munavvar Qari Abdurashidkhan, Ogli, Abdulkadir Shakuri, Ashurali Zahiri, Saidrasul Saidazizi, Ishokkhan Ibrat and Ahmad Donishlar XIX century. At the end of the period, they believed that the only way to liberate the country and the people from national oppression and backwardness is education. These self-sacrificing people fought with all their might against the oppressive regime, ignorance, spiritual oppression and tyranny.
    Munavvarqori understands that it is impossible to make big changes in society without reforming education, raising people's consciousness, and raising their cultural level.
    Due to the ideas carried out by Munavvarqari for the development of the nation, the former violent government of the Soviets took him under his belt. On April 25, 1931, he was shot.
    Abdulla Awlani is another great representative of Jadid movement, who promoted the ideas calling for national awakening. He criticized the nation's spiritual crisis, called on everyone to become literate, acquire modern science, and cultural achievements.
    Abdulla Awlani's idea that Science is the path, life, leader and salvation of people forms the program of the enlightened movement. Like his enlightened colleagues, he rendered unforgettable services in helping the oppressed people of Turkestan to enjoy the benefits of knowledge. In his book Gulistan or ethics, Turki expressed valuable thoughts about the role of knowledge and science in the development of society. Learning the Alloma's perspective is especially important at a time when we are in the process of returning to our whole minority. We found it necessary to note the following from the scholar's work: Knowledge is a very high and sacred quality for a person. Because science shows us our small population and our actions like a mirror. He sharpens our mind and thoughts like a sword, separates the good from the bad, the honest from the bad, and the clean from the dirty. It causes us to be responsible in this world and the hereafter by leading the way. Knowledge saves us from the darkness of ignorance. Brings culture, humanity, enlightenment to the world. Allah increases our love and faith... As a result, our whole life, health, diligence, zeal, world and hereafter depend on knowledge.
    The fate of the Jadidchis was ultimately tragic during the period of the tsarist government, the Temporary Power, and especially during the former Shoro regime. Many of them were labeled as nationalists and pan-Turkists for their above-mentioned demands, and their ideas and movements were blacked out. The crushing of Jadidism pushed the recognition of the Turkic nations on the world scale for another century. For a century, Jadidism was first under the pressure of the communist government, and then under the torture, and could not fully manifest itself. Those who tried to organize the formation of his lands were also put under pressure. Those who tried to organize it were also persecuted. With the honor of independence, the blessed names of the patriots who fought for the will, independence, ideals of national statehood and genius of the people of Turkestan were restored, and their works were published. The goyas of the Jadids, because they are irreplaceable goyas, have re-entered our lives along with independence.
    Qualities such as initiative, social activity, honesty, hard work, humility, selflessness are formed in students who acquire moral and moral knowledge. Young people with such qualities consciously fulfill the requirements of moral standards, respect national and universal values ​​such as spiritual heritage, customs and traditions.
    It consists of the ways of using national values ​​and foundations of national education in the development of moral and ethical competence in students, the pedagogical foundations of the formation of moral and ethical culture, the formation of moral and ethical education in the higher education system, and the moral education of young specialists. A number of scientific and research works were analyzed and carried out in connection with the problem of personnel training, especially the issues of effective organization of the educational work system in educational institutions.
    Forms and methods of developing the spiritual culture of students and young people (conference lessons; lessons; practical lessons; game lessons; travel lessons; role-playing lessons; educational activities; excursions; round talks; working in small groups; methods of forming spiritual culture: problem situation; comparative explanatory analysis; artistic and educational work on works; creative work; conceptual analysis; logical analysis; analysis of symbols; interpretation and study of spiritual and moral values; independent work, etc.) the system plays an important role.
    Its role in the development of the methodology of spiritual and moral education.
    Based on analyzes and modern pedagogy, the development of moral competence of students on the basis of social activity and initiative includes such components as moral knowledge, moral values, moral virtues, and moral activity.
    As a result of formation of spiritual and moral knowledge as a part of spiritual and moral competence, a number of moral values ​​such as patriotism, happiness, honor, love, goodness, conscience, duty, justice, faith are formed in students. Students who acquire spiritual and moral knowledge begin to develop qualities such as initiative, social activity, honesty, hard work, humility, and dedication.
    Young people with such qualities consciously fulfill the requirements of moral and ethical standards, respect national and universal values, that is, spiritual heritage, customs and traditions.

    However, having knowledge about moral and ethical standards, understanding them and developing good qualities does not mean that young people will be educated spiritually and morally. If human qualities are reflected in life experiences and are clearly manifested in the activities of a person entering into a relationship, this determines the level of his education. For the development of the society, first of all, it is necessary to pay attention to raising the level of knowledge of young people along with education of morally sound, socially active person. After all, the development of society cannot be imagined without morally educated persons.
    It is necessary to know the goals and tasks of spiritual and moral education, to determine the content of the work, and to organize a systematic approach to achieve the goal. It is recommended that the system of implementing these tasks and forming a person's spiritual and moral competence from educational institutions should be organized as follows:
    - training of professionally qualified specialists who have spiritual and moral qualities as a result of education and training carried out on the basis of consistency in educational institutions.
    - search for ways to achieve the goal of spiritual and moral education at each stage of continuous education;
    - analysis of the wide use of modern literature in the spiritual and moral education of young people through various educational tools in the educational process;
    - to set aside the organization of person-oriented methods and tools in accordance with modern information technologies and modern pedagogical methods in spiritual and moral education;
    - conducting polls and recording the results in order to determine the level of spiritual and moral education of young people;
    - to achieve the training of young people with moral and moral qualities as well-rounded socially active specialists.
    In order to organize socio-pedagogical activity, initiative and activity among students, it is important to introduce individually oriented educational technologies and cooperative education in the process of teaching subjects taught in educational institutions. Through these educational technologies, an opportunity is created to achieve the development of spiritual and moral competence in the student.In short, through modern pedagogy, the content, form, methods and means of forming the moral and ethical competence of students are being consistently improved, and the knowledge of moral and ethical categories, standards, and value systems of young people is being formed it is important to improve the skills of social relations, their use in practical activities. It is necessary to pay attention to the roots of the history and spirituality of our nation in the development of the spiritual and moral maturity of young people by raising their spirituality, wide dissemination, efficient use and analysis of their literary heritage, i.e. their pedagogical approach, literary heritage, didactics, style, tools and skills, and human qualities such as true enthusiasm and leadership, will become an example. Further development and inculcation of moral and moral perfection in students serves as an important factor in raising a patriotic, intellectual, moral, spiritual and physically healthy generation.

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    Pedagogical principles of developing the spiritual-moral competence of students through modern pedagogy

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