Oriental Renaissance: InnovativeBog'liq qora-metallurgiyada-hosil-bo-lgan-changlardan-rangli-metallarni-ajratib-olish-texnologiyalarini-o-rganish-va-tahlil-qilishOriental Renaissance: Innovative,
educational, natural and social sciences
ISSN 2181-1784
Scientific Journal Impact Factor SJIF 2021: 5.423
Fastmet, Fastmelt, Oxycup, Primus, PaulWurth, Contop, Электродуговая печь, С-
There is currently a problem with the significant increase in the
amount of dust generated in ferrous metallurgy. Every year at these metallurgical
enterprises, dusts with high zinc content are discharged into the landfill, the mass of
which is 5-10% of the total mass of the metal produced. Worldwide, the total annual
amount of zinc-containing dust is 10-15 million tons. The amount of zinc in such
powders varies in a very wide range: from 2 to 20%; In addition to zinc, the powder
contains iron oxides (30-60%) and a total of up to 20% additional oxides (silicon,
calcium and lead). Return of the powder with the above composition directly to the
main metallurgical production can lead to disruption of the technological process.
The processing of such dusts by the methods discovered so far is not very efficient, so
most metallurgical plants simply collect this type of dust. This article discusses a
number of modern ways to recycle this dust.
Secondary resources, man-made waste recycling, zinc-containing
dust, ferrous metallurgical waste, ferroalloy, Fastmet, Fastmelt, Oxycup, Primus,
PaulWurth, Contop, Electric arc furnace, C-briquette.
O‘zbekistonda elektr yoyli pechlarda po‘lat eritish AJ O‘zmetkombinatda
boshlangan. Unda 13-fevral 1978-yilda birinchi nomerli e.p.e. pechni ishga
tushurilgan. O‘sha yili dekabr oyda 2 e.p.e. pech ishga tushdi. 1979- yil sentabr oyda
3 e/p/e pech ishga tushdi. Va nihoyat 2002-yil avgust oyida AJ “O‘zmetkombinat”
eng zamonaviy dunyo talablariga javob beradigan DSP100-UMZ ishga tushurildi.
Pechlarni hajmi 100 t tashkil qiladi.
DSP pech dunyo talablariga javob beradi, 1 sutkada 22 po‘lat eritish
imkoniyatiga egadir. Pech AKOS agregati bilan birga ishlaydi va 1 yilda 550-600
ming tonna po‘lat eritish qobiliyatiga egadir. Hamma pechlarni ishga tushurilsa,
kombinat 1 yilda 1,5-2 mln tonna po‘lat ishlab chiqarish O‘zbekiston talabini to‘liq
bajarilsa bo‘ladi. AJ “O‘zmetkombinat” boshqa elektr yoyli pechlar Navoiy KMK
(5ta pech), Olmaliq KMK (2ta pech) va bir qancha Mashinasozlik zavodlarida
muayyan ishlab turibdi. 2010-2012- yilda Toshkent shahar Sergeli tumanida
O‘zbekiston, Xitoy, Rossiya va AQSH qo‘shma truba ishlab chiqarish zavodida 3
elektr pechi qurilishi rejalashtirilgan va qurulyapti. Ko‘rilgan misollardan ko‘rinib
turibdiki, elektr pechlarida po‘lat va ferroqotishmalar olish butun dunyo bilan ham
ohangda O‘zbekistonda ham keng tarqalmoqda va bu texnologiya kelajagi porloqdir
[1] .
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