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    Elektron ta’lim resursi

    fanning o’quv hajmimi to’liq yoki qisman qamragan va masofaviy o’qitish hamda mustaqil or’ganish uchun kompyuter texnologiyalariga asoslangan, mustaqil ta’lim olishga hamdafanga oid o’quv materiallar, ilmiy ma’lumotlarning har

    e-learning information resource
    - science training the size of the full extends and the distance training and independent to
    learn for computer technology bas ed on indepen-
    dent, education from and science t raining materials

    tomonlama samarali o’zlashtirishga mo’ljallangan axborot manbai.

    science information every bilateral effective adopters d esigned.


    bu berilgan ketma ketlikda ifodalangan biror bir algoritmik tilda yozilgan masala yechishda algoritmning kompyuter tushunadigan belgilar orqali ifodalanishi

    Program- written in consecution form to given algorithm
    Program- provide (a computer or other machine) with coded instructions for the automatic performance of a task it is a simple matter to program the computer to recognize such symbols


    oldimizga qo’yilgan maqsadga erishish uchun bajariladigan harakatlarning yig’indisi tushuniladi

    In computing, a process is an of a that is being executed. It contains the program code and its current activity. Depending on the a process may be made up of multiple that execute instructions. A computer program is a passive collection of instructions; a process is the actual execution of those instructions. Several processes may be associated with the same program; for example, opening up several instances of the same program often means more than one process is being executed.is a method to allow multiple processes to share processors and other system resources. Each CPU executes a single task at a time. However, multitasking allows each processor to between tasks that are being executed without having to wait for each task to finish. Depending on the operating system implementation, switches could be performed when tasks

    perform operations, when a task indicates that it can be switched, or

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