• Informatika
  • Kommunikatsiya tizimi
  • Texnologik jarayonlar boshqaruvi va kompyuter tizimlari

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    yangilanishni, o’zgarishni amalga joriy etish jarayoni va faoliyati (inglizcha innovatsiya – kiritilgan yangilik, ixtiro).

    Innovation is the creation of better or more effective products, processes,services,technologies, or ideasthat are accepted by markets,governments, and society. Innovation differs from inventionin that innovation refers to the use of a new idea or method, whereas invention refers more directly to the creation of the idea or method itself.


    insoniyat faoliyatining bir sohasi bo’lib, u axborotni hosil qilish, saqlash va kompyuter yordamida ularni qayta ishlash, shu bilan bir qatorda tadbiq muhiti bilan o’zaro bog’liq bo’lgan jarayonlarning aloqadorliklarini o’z ichiga oladigan ko’nikma va vositalar tizimidir.

    Informatiks. Computer science. Its subfields can be divided into practical techniques for its implementation and application in and purely theoretical areas. Some, such as, which studies fundamental properties of, are highly abstract, while others, such as, emphasize real-world applications. Still others focus on the challenges in implementing computations. For example, studies approaches to description of computations, while the study of itself investigates various aspects of the use of and, and focuses on the challenges in making computers and computations useful, usable.

    Kommunikatsiya tizimi

    boshqa tizimlar orasida axborot uzatish bilan bog’liq yordamchi vazifalarni bajaradigan tizim

    the various methods of sending information between people and places, especially official systems such as post systems, radio, telephone, etc

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