6.1. Taraflar ushbu shartnoma bo'yicha majburiyatlarning qisman
yoki to'liq bajarilmaganligi uchun javobgarlikdan ozod qilinadilar,
agar u e'lon qilingan yoki haqiqiy urush, fuqarolik tartibsizliklari,
epidemiyalar, zilzilalar, suv toshqinlari, yong'inlar va boshqa tabiiy
ofatlar, davlat yoki shahar organlarining xatti-harakatlari, boshqa
holatlar tufayli yuzaga kelgan va ushbu shartnoma bo'yicha
majburiyatlarning bajarilishiga bevosita ta'sir ko'rsatgan bo'lsa.
6.2. Fors-major amal qilgan holatlarda, shartnoma bo'yicha
majburiyatlarni bajarish muddati ushbu davrga mutanosib ravishda
6.1. The parties shall be exempt from liability for partial or full default
under this contract if it was caused by circumstances of insuperable
force (force majeure), including a declared or actual war, civil unrest,
epidemics, earthquakes, floods, fires and other natural disasters,
actions of state or municipal authorities, other insurmountable
circumstances that directly affected the performance of obligations
under this contract.
6.2. Term for fulfillment of obligations hereunder shall be postponed
in proportion to the period of existence of above force-majeure
7.1. Imtihon natijalari intranet tizimida TSMRI tomonidan e'lon
qilinadi, talaba o'z natijalarini va akademik statusini tekshirishga
majbur. Agar talaba imtihonlardan o'tmagan bo'lsa, u TSMRI
7.1. The results of the exams are published by MDIST in the Intranet
system, the Student commits to check his/her results and academic
tariflariga muvofiq imtihonlarni qayta topshirish uchun to'lovni
amalga oshirishi va Talabalar bilan ishlash bo'limiga (SSU) imtihon
topshirishdan kamida 10 bank kuni oldin to'lovni tasdiqlashi
(kvitansiya va/yoki to'lov topshirig'ini taqdim etishi shart).
7.2. Talaba fanlarni qayta o'qish uchun qoldirilgan taqdirda
(Remodule) to'lovni amalga oshirish uchun 2.3.19-bandga muvofiq
yangi shartnoma olishi shart.
7.3. Talabaga o'qish davrida TSMRI tomonidan stipendiya to'lanishi
nazarda tutilmagan va to'lanmaydi.
7.4. Mazkur shartnoma bo'yicha xizmatlar O'zbekiston
Respublikasining amaldagi qonunchiligi talablariga va TSMRI
rahbariyatining qaroriga asosan TSMRI hududida va/yoki onlayn
rejimda (masofadan) ko'rsatilishi mumkin. Ta'lim xizmatlari onlayn
rejimida taqdim etilgan taqdirda, Talaba mazkur shartnoma bo'yicha
xizmatlarni olish uchun zarur bo'lgan texnik uskunalar va
telekommunikatsiya aloqalarining holati uchun shaxsan o’zi javobgar
7.5. Ushbu shartnomaning 1.1-bandiga muvofiq xizmatlar talabaning,
uzrli sabablari bo'lmagan taqdirda, o'quv jarayonida ishtirok etishidan
qat'i nazar ko'rsatilgan hisoblanadi va shartnomaning 2.2.10-bandiga
muvofiq talaba tomonidan majburiy tartibda to'lov amalga oshiriladi.
7.6. Ushbu shartnoma predmetida ko'rsatilgan maqsadda tuzildi va bir
o'quv yili davomida taraflarning o'z zimmalariga olgan
majburiyatlarini to'liq bajaraguniga qadar, lekin 2023 yil 30
sentyabrdan kech bo'lmagan holda, o'z kuchida turadi.
7.7. Ushbu shartnoma TSMRIning Intranet tizimidagi Talabaning
shaxsiy kabinetida elektron yoki yozma qog'oz shaklda tuzilishi
7.8. Shartnoma shartlarini qabul qilish, ya’ni uni elektron shaklda
tuzish, Talaba "I agree" va "Confirm" tugmalarini bosish bilan,
Intranet tizimidagi shaxsiy kabinetining maxsus oynasida
SMS-tekshiruvdan so'ng, tasdiqlanadi.
7.9. Shartnoma tuzilayotganda "I agree" tugmasini bosish orqali
Talaba Intranet tizimi tomonidan shartnomaga avtomatik ravishda
kiritilgan shaxsiy ma'lumotlarining to’g’riligini va ishonchliligini,
shuningdek shartnoma shartlariga to'liq va so'zsiz roziligini
7.10. Shartnoma tuzilayotganda "Confirm" tugmasini bosish orqali
Talaba elektron shaklda shartnoma tuzishga roziligini tasdiqlaydi.
7.11. Ushbu shartnomaning imzolangan sanasidan boshlab, o'qish
davrida o'rta yoki o'rta maxsus ta'lim muassasasini tugatganligi
to'g'risidagi (shahodatnoma, diplom, sertifikat) hamda boshqa rasmiy
hujjatlarning, shuningdek IELTS sertifikatining asl nusxasi, Talaba
yoki boshqa shaxsga, shu jumladan nusxa olish uchun ham,
7.12. TSMRI Talabani TSMRIda o'qish muddati yakunlanganida ish
bilan ta'minlash majburiyatini o'z zimmasiga olmaydi.
7.13. O'qish to'lovlarini o'tkazish va qaytarish bo'yicha barcha bank
harajatlari Talaba tomonidan qoplanadi.
7.14. Ushbu shartnoma 7.10 bandi shartlariga muvofiq kuchga kiradi
yoki qog'ozda tuzilgan taqdirda har ikki Taraf tomonidan imzolangan
paytdan boshlab kuchga kirgan deb hisoblanadi.
7.15. Talabaga yuklangan barcha majburiyatlar, boshqa maqsadlar
qatori, uning shaxsiy huquqiy ongi, huquqiy tamoyil va normalarni
tushunish darajasini oshirishga qaratilgan bo'lib, birinchi navbatda
uning manfaatlariga, TSMRI va davlat manfaatlariga xizmat qiladi.
7.16. Ushbu shartnoma o'zbek va ingliz tilida tuzilgan bo'lib, ikkisi
bir hil yuridik kuchga ega va Taraflar tomonidan imzolandi. Mazkur
shartnoma shartlari mazmuni yuzasidan nizolar yuzaga kelgan
taqdirda, Taraflar o'zbek tilida tasdiqlangan shartnoma matniga
7.17. Ushbu shartnomaga kiritiladigan har qanday o'zgartirish va/yoki
qo'shimchalar yozma va Taraflarning imzo/muhrlari bilan
tasdiqlangan holidagina yoki Intranet tizimi orqali elektron shaklda
rasmiylashtirilgandagina o'z kuchiga ega bo'ladi.
7.18. Taraflar o'rtasida yuzaga keladigan nizolar O'zbekiston
Respublikasi qonunchiligida belgilangan tartibda TSMRI joylashgan
erdagi Sud tomonidan hal etiladi.
7.19. Taraflar TSMRI elektron raqamli imzo/faksimillarini
shartnomaga qo'yilgan tegishli imzo sifatida tan olishga kelishib
status. If the Student fails to pass the exams, he/she must pay the
retake fee in accordance with the MDIST Fee Schedule and provide
proof of payment (receipt and/or payment order) to the Student
Services Unit (SSU) at least 10 banking days before the retaking of
the exams.
7.2. If the Student is referred to a Remodule, the Student must receive
a new contract for payment.
7.3. No scholarship is provided or paid by MDIST during the Student’s
period of study.
7.4. Services under this contract depending on the requirements of the
current legislation of the Republic of Uzbekistan and on the basis of
the decision of the MDIST management can be rendered on the
territory of MDIST and/or in online mode (remotely). In the case of
online educational services, the Student is personally responsible for
the condition of the technical equipment and telecommunications
required to receive services under this contract.
7.5. Services under clause 1.1 are considered to be provided regardless
of the fact of the Student’s participation in the educational process in
the absence of valid reasons and are subject to mandatory payment in
accordance with clause 2.2.9. of this contract.
7.6. This contract is entered into for the purposes specified in the
subject for one academic year until the full performance of the
obligations undertaken by the Parties, but no later than September 30,
7.7. This contract may be entered into on paper or electronically in
the Student’s personal Intranet account.
7.8. The acceptance of the conditions of the contract, as well as its
conclusion in electronic form is confirmed by clicking (pressing) the
buttons “I agree” and “Confirm” after verification in a special window
of his/her personal account in the Intranet system.
7.9. By pressing the “I agree” button at the conclusion of the contract,
the Student confirms the authenticity of his/her personal data,
automatically entered by the Intranet system into the contract, as well
as his/her full and unconditional consent to the terms of the contract.
7.10. By pressing the “Confirm” button at the conclusion of the
contract, the Student confirms his/her consent to the conclusion of the
contract electronically.
7.11. During the period of study, starting from the date of signing this
Contract, originals of official documents, including the certificate of
secondary general or secondary specialized education (certificate of
general secondary education / diploma / certificate), IELTS certificate
shall not be issued to the Student or any other person, including for
7.12. MDIST assumes no obligation to employ the Student at the end
of his/her term of study at MDIST.
7.13. All bank charges associated with the transfer of funds for tuition
and refunds are at the expense of the Student.
7.14. This contract shall enter into force under the terms of clause
7.10. or, if executed on paper, upon signature by both parties.
7.15. All obligations imposed on the Student are aimed, among other
things, at increasing the level of his individual legal awareness and
understanding of legal principles and norms that meet his interests,
the interests of MDIS and the State.
7.16. This Contract has been executed in Russian and English
languages and signed by the Parties by one copy for each Party, both
having the same legal force. In the case of a discrepancy in the
interpretation of the text of the contract, the Russian version of the
Contract shall prevail.
7.17. Any changes and/or additions to this contract shall be valid only
if they are in writing and signed/sealed by the Parties or electronically
in the Intranet system.
7.18. The parties have agreed that disputes arising between the parties
shall be resolved in court at the location of MDIST in accordance with
the laws of the Republic of Uzbekistan.
7.19. The parties agreed to recognize the MDIST electronic digital
signature/facsimile as a proper signature on the contract.