Talabaning majburiyatlariBog'liq 9ad10af56c6ce5a8cd2bd72a69b7eb2816656623164622.3. Talabaning majburiyatlari:
2.3.1. Ushbu shartnomaning 3.3-bandiga muvofiq shartnoma
summasining to'lovini amalga oshirish.
2.3.2. To'lash vaqtida to'lov tafsilotlarida Talabaning F.I.Sh.,
shartnoma raqami va TSMRI tasdiqlagan tariflar bo'yicha
to'lanayotgan xizmat nomini ko'rsatish.
2.3.3. To'lovga layoqatsiz bo'lgan taqdirda, ushbu shartnomaning 3.3.
1 (bir) oy avval TSMRIni yozma ravishda xabardor qilish.
2.3.4. Taraflarning 3.3 bandida ko'rsatilgan to'lov muddatlarini
o'zgartirish to'g'risida qaror qabul qilingan taqdirda, ushbu
shartnomaga qo'shimcha kelishuv tuzish.
2.3.5. TSMRIning talabiga binoan o' zi va oila a'zolari haqida
ishonchli, shaxsiy ma'lumotlarni taqdim etish (shu jumladan,
ma'lumotlarni TSMRI rasmiy saytining Intranet tizimiga kiritishda
(www.inet.mdis.uz) (bundan keyin «Intranet tizimi») ishonchlilik
talabiga rioya etish).
2.3.6. Agar shartnoma qog'oz shaklida tuzilgan bo'lsa, shartnomaning
imzolangan nusxasini shartnoma olingan kundan boshlab 10 (o'n) ish
kuni ichida qaytarish.
2.3.7. O'zbekiston Respublikasi qonunchiligi hamda SMRI talablariga
ko'ra oliy ta'lim muassasalari talabalari uchun o'rnatilgan standarlarga
muvofiq ta'lim olish.
2.3.8. Student Handbook, TSMRIning boshqa ichki hujjatlarida
(Student Handbook, Bayonnomalar, Buyruqlar va h.k.) hamda ushbu
shartnomaning shartlarida ko'rsatilgan talablarga rioya etish.
2.3.9. TSMRI mol-mulkini asrab-avaylash.
2.3.10. Kirish-chiqish, yong'in xavfsizligi rejimiga, shu jumladan
Uzbekistan and depending on circumstances of insuperable force to
decide on transfer to the distant teaching mode without reduction of
tuition fee specified hereby.
2.2.4. To apply to the Student the incentives and disciplinary sanctions
based on the decisions of the disciplinary committee of the MDIST
and in accordance with the applicable legislation of the Republic of
Uzbekistan, Charter of the MDIST, internal regulations of the MDIST
(Student Handbook, Protocols, Orders, etc.) and herewith.
2.2.5. To unilaterally terminate this Contract in accordance with
clause 4.1.3.
2.2.6. To restrict the Student’s assess to the services and resources of
the MDIST in cases of:
a) Failure to return one copy of this Contract within 10 (ten) working
days from the date of receipt of the Contract.
b) Violation by the Student of the rules of the pass control, fire safety
arrangements, violation of proper dress code when attending the
MDIST, covered by the internal regulations of the MDIST (hereinafter
referred to as “Student Handbook”).
c) Violation of the clause 2.3.9. hereof.
d) Violation of other rules specified by the Student Handbook.
2.2.7. Not to admit the Student to the examination in cases of:
a) Violation of tuition fee payment schedule according to the clause
3.3. hereof.
b) Late payment for retaking of examination and/or payment for other
additional services in accordance with terms in Student Handbook
and hereof.
c) Absence at the classes compulsory to attend at the MDIST in
amount exceeding 20% of total time for each discipline according to
the rates specified by the MDIST.
d) in cases indicated in clause 2.2.6. hereof.
2.2.8. To require the submission of the original official documents,
including the certificates of secondary general/secondary special
education (general education certificate, diploma, certificate) for the
duration of studies, as well as to require the submission of the original
passport and IMC-card of the Student during the examinations to
2.2.9. Upon termination hereof, to demand payment from the Student
or deduct from the prepaid tuition fee for the entire period in which
the Student has been provided services under clause 1.1.
2.2.10. To expel the Student on the basis of the decision of the
Disciplinary Committee or the management of MDIST in case of
committing actions that directly or indirectly damage the business
reputation of MDIST or violation of the terms of this Contract.
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