• Charm Description Search
  • Devices Select a printer, projector, or other device. Settings
  • Settings
  • Internet options
  • Touch. Swipe in from the right edge of the screen. Mouse

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    Touch. Swipe in from the right edge of the screen.

    Mouse. Point to the top-right or bottom-right corner of the screen.

    Keyboard. Press +C.

    The following table describes each charm’s function in Internet Explorer 10.




    Initiate a search using the default search engine, which you can set to your preference. Search results are filtered and displayed as you type.


    Access any application that supports sharing (like Mail). This enables you to send a rich link preview with image, description, and hyperlink.


    Select a printer, projector, or other device.


    Access the most frequently used Internet Explorer 10 configuration settings. For example, you can change settings for browsing history and control whether sites can ask for your location.

    Using Snap

    Snap in Windows 8 enables you to use your device for more than one action or application at a time. In Internet Explorer 10, the default full-size window automatically adapts to the more narrow “snap” size to align with the second application. The Internet Explorer 10 window also automatically undocks from its snapped location when necessary for user interaction. All of the core browsing capabilities are available when a browser window is snapped.

    Snap a Window to the Right or Left

    1. Move the mouse pointer to the top of the screen until it changes from an arrow to a hand.

    2. Drag the border of the window left or right until a second pane is displayed.

    3. Release the mouse. The browser window automatically snaps into the second pane. You can use another application from the Start screen in the larger pane.

    Changing Internet Options

    There are two ways to change Internet option settings in Internet Explorer 10.

    Use the Settings Charm

    Use the Settings charm to access configuration settings for the Internet Explorer 10 modern-style experience.

    1. Swipe in from the right edge of the screen, and then click the Settings charm.

    2. Tap or click Internet Options.

    Switch to Internet Explorer 10 for the Desktop

    1. Click the Page Tools button in the navigation bar, and then tap or click View on the desktop. Internet Explorer for the desktop is displayed.

    2. In the upper-right corner of the Internet Explorer for the desktop window, tap or click Tools , and then tap or click Internet options.

    Touch and Non-Touch Devices

    In Internet Explorer 10, you can use the same touch gestures that you use with Windows 8, including double-tapping the screen to zoom in/out and swiping to move forward/back. If you’re using a device that doesn’t support touch, you can use the keyboard shortcuts in the following table.

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    Touch. Swipe in from the right edge of the screen. Mouse

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