“Yashil iqtisodiyot sari: nazariy va amaliy yondashuvlar tahlili” Pdf ko'rish
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Bog'liq 03 04 2024 Yashil iqtisodiyot sari anjuman materiallari to\'plami“Yashil iqtisodiyot sari: nazariy va amaliy yondashuvlar tahlili”
mavzusidagi xalqaro ilmiy-amaliy anjuman
Корея, Китай, Япония, Турция, Украина, Россия, Азербайджан, узбекский
язык преподается как предмет среди предметов кафедры «Восточные языки».
Узбекским ученым следует сотрудничать с этими учебными заведениями и
начать писать учебники и учебные пособия на узбекском языке.
Список использованной литературы
1. Гафурова Н.Т. «Роль языка в развитии высшего образования» НЖ.
«Архивариус» №7
2. Муртазаева Р.Х. Узбекистан - уникальный край межнационального
согласия и толерантности // Узбекистан - страна мира и согласия: Сб.
материалов конференции. Ташкент: Узбекистан, 2017. С. 343.
3. Иноятова Д.М. «Языковая политика в современном Узбекистане»
A.Shomirov, Associate professor of the the Tashkent state university of
Nowadays the use of securities as an investment tool is the main financial
instrument in the practice of developed countries. In our country, in addition to real
estate and bank deposits, practical work is being done to increase the confidence of
legal entities and individuals in securities as an investment instrument and to
increase their participation in the stock market.
According to the legislation of the Republic of Uzbekistan, securities are
documents that confirm property rights or debt relations between the legal entity that
issued these documents and their owner, pay income in the form of dividends or
interest, and derive from these documents, implies the possibility of transferring
rights to other persons
. Securities are divided into types that are registered in the
name of a specific person (registered), registered in the name of the person who
originally bought it and transferred to another person with his consent, and non-
registered (the owner is not indicated). Securities are primarily working document
that reflects the fact that a certain material right has been presented to its owner, and
it can be issued in paper and electronic form.
According to V.A. Tatiannikova, "a stock is a means of investing temporarily
free funds". A stock is a form of capital existence that differs from commodity,
production and monetary forms, which can be transferred, traded in the market like
a commodity and can generate income.
According to E.B.Starodubseva, securities can be divided into 2 groups, i.e.
stock market and commercial securities. While stock market securities include
shares and bonds, commercial securities depend on the production of other goods,
such as promissory notes or bills of lading
O‘zbekiston Respublikasining “Qimmatli qog‘ozlar bozori to‘g‘risida” gi Qonuni (yangi tahriri) 2015 yil 3 iyun,
В.А.Галанова, А.И.Басова Рынок ценных бумаг. МОСКВА «ФИНАНСЫ И СТАТИСТИКА» 2006
Е. Б. Стародубцева Рынок ценных бумаг.
Москва ИД
- ИНФРА-М 2006
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