Yashil iqtisodiyot sari: nazariy va amaliy yondashuvlar tahlili Pdf ko'rish
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Bog'liq 03 04 2024 Yashil iqtisodiyot sari anjuman materiallari to\'plami
1. Oʻzbekiston Respublikasining “Qimmatli qogʻozlar bozori toʻgʻrisida” gi
Qonuni (yangi tahriri) 2015 yil 3 iyun, OʻRQ-387-son.
2. В.А.Татьянникова Рынок ценных бумаг. Учебник. 2019.
3. В.А.Галанова, А.И.Басова Рынок ценных бумаг. МОСКВА
Стародубцева Рынок ценных бумаг. Москва ИД
ИНФРА-М 2006.
5. I.Butikov Qimmatli qogʻozlar bozori. Darslik. Toshkent Konsauditinform.
A.Utepbergenov, Doctor of Economics of Karakalpak State University
The development of the market economy, realized in our country, requires a
new approach to the issue of quality, because competition forces to raise the quality
level of the product in the highly developed market, thus determining the
competitiveness of its producers.
Developed competitiveness, the competitiveness of the product in the existing
markets is considered a necessary factor for success in selling it quickly.
The concept of competitiveness of the product is multifaceted, it is not only the
quality of the market requirements, but also the exact requirements of the customers,
but also its technical, economic, and memory indicators, as well as those that pla y
the necessary roles in its sale (price, delivery time, service opportunity, advertising)
means that you are compatible with the conditions.
The competitiveness of agricultural products is a set of production, commercial,
organizational, and economic indicators that find their place in agricultural products,
and it is determined by the sum of consumer characteristics of the product[1].
The competitiveness of any product is characterized by its technical indicators.
The technical indicators of the product are determined by the quality of the technical
level required by the customers in the market and by assessing the reliability
indicators by modern requirements. The main requirements of buyers for technical
indicators find their place in national and international standards. Each country has
its standards that correspond to the level of development of the national economy,
science, technology, and technology. At the same time, the importance of
international standards increases with the integration of the national economy into
the world economy and the development of international economic relations.
International standards specify limitations, differences, and conflicts between
national standards, norms, and regulations. Ensuring the conformity of national
standards is an effort to ensure the penetration of domestically produced agricultural
products into foreign markets and their competitiveness. International standards are
approved and implemented by the specially created "International Organization for
Standardization" (ISO-International Organization for Standardization) [2].
The change in the technical competitiveness of the product is related to the
change in the pace of scientific and technical development in the agro-firms, agro-
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