INTRODUCTION (abstract of the PhD thesis)
Purpose of the study.
The aim of the study is to scientifically substantiate the
influence of growing cotton from sown seeds in different ways and schemes on the
agrophysical, water-physical and agrochemical properties
of the soil and the
formation of crop elements in the light gray soils of the Andijan region.
The object of the study is the light gray soils of the Andijan region, the cotton
variety Andijan-37, the methods of sowing cotton seeds,
the systems for sowing
cotton seeds.
The scientific novelty of the research is as follows:
for the first time, under the conditions of light gray soil of the Andijan region,
the efficiency of sowing cotton seeds in two-row furrows in open ground, spreading a
film on the furrows and covering the furrow with a film in schemes was studied
(76x38)x8.8-1; (76x38)x9.7-1; (76x38)x11.4-1;
when sowing cotton seeds in double-row furrows in the scheme (76x38)x9.7-1,
an increase in the bulk density of the soil compared to the
option where seeds were
sown with the spreading of the film in the scheme 90x10-1; 90x(60x30)x12-1;
90x(60x30)x15-1 in a layer of 0-30 cm below from 0.007 g/cm
to 0.024 g/cm
from 0.007 g/cm
to 0.017 g/cm
in a layer of 0-30 cm. layer 30-50 cm, water
permeability from 8.3 cm
/ha up to 24.2 m
it has been proven that when sowing cotton seeds in double-row furrows in the
schemes (76x38)x8.8-1; (76x38)x9.7-1; (76x38)x11.4-1
compared to the option
where the sowing of cotton seeds was carried out along two-row furrows in open
ground without a film according to the same schemes
at the end of the growing
season, the number of boxes was 2.3 to 2.5, the opening of the box exceeded from 3.3
to 3.5 pieces;
it has been proven that when sowing seeds with film spreading along double-
row furrows according to the scheme (76x38)x9.7-1, it has
a positive effect on the
formation of crop elements, ensuring the yield of cotton is 13.2 c/ha higher compared
to the option sown in open ground according to scheme 90x10-1, the profitability is
higher by 19.4%, and compared to the option where the
seeds are sown in a single
row according to the scheme 90x10-1 with film spreading, the yield of cotton is 6.6
c/ha higher, the profitability is 11.9%, compared with the option where the seeds
were sown with
mass spreading of the film, the yield was 5.2 c/ha higher, the
profitability was 6.7% higher.