Andijon mashinasozlik instituti rustamova feruzaxon mahmudjanovna arxitektura-qurilish yo
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Bog'liq автореферат на узбекскомЧасть II ( II bo‘lim; Part II )
10.Ф.М.Рустамова.Коммуникативноориентированноеобучениевстроительно-архитектурныхнаправлениях//“Chet tili o'qitishning zamonaviy yondashuvlari: muammo va yechimlar”respublika ilmiy-amaliy konfrensiya, Andijon 2023 yil 29-30 may.p 452-454.
11. Ф.М.Рустамова. Modern technologies in teaching Russian as a foreign language// Pindus journal of cultural,literature,and ELT.India ISSN 2792-1883 Vol.2№2 17.02.2022https://literature.academicjournal.io.p 131-135
12. Ф.М.Рустамова Communicatively oriented teaching of professionally oriented Russian language in construction and architekturial directions//Spain. Central Asian journal of literature, philosophy, and culture(CAJLPC), ISSN 2660-6828 Vol 4 Issue 7, july 2023.p53-60.
13. Ф.М.Рустамова. Методика обучения терминологии студентов нефилологических вузов архитектурно-строительных направлений(на примере русского языка)// “ Creative teacher” multidisciplinary scientific online journal.ISSN:2181-2330 № p 29-32.
14. Ф.М.Рустамова. The role of terminological dictionaries in improving students’ lexical skills based on the Russian language// Journal of Advanced Research and Stability. Volume: 02 Issue: 04/2022.ISSN: 2181-2608
www.sciencebox.uz/ p 132-138.
15. Ф.М.Рустамова. Scientific and methodological bases with architectural and construction terms in non-psychological directions of universities(on example of Russian)//India/ IEJRD international Peer Reviewed& Referred journal. E-ISSN:2349-0721. Volume 6 Issue 3. SJIF: 7.169. Aprel-May 2021.p 1-3
16. Ф.М.Рустамова. Lexico-semantical properties of architectutre and construction terms ,problems of working on them//“O‘zbekiston milliy unversiteti xabarlari” jurnali, 2022 y1/2/1. ISSN-2181-7324.p303-306
17. Ф.М.Рустамова. New methods of working with the dictionary of professional terms in foreign languages//«Машиностроение»Научно-технический-журнал-№ 3 Спец.выпуск ISSN 2181-1539.p 445-451.
18.Ф.М.Рустамова.Развитиетерминологическойкультурыустудентовархитектурныхистроительныхнаправлений//“Raqamli xayot va ijtimoiy fanlarning barkamol avlodni voyaga yetkazishdagi o‘rni va axamiyati: dolzarb muommolar va istiqbol” xalqaro ilmiy-amaliy konfrensiya materiallar to‘plami, Andijon mashinasozlik instituti, 2022 yil 12 aprel', p 622-625.
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