Audio script
Unit 1
Holidays and travel
Track 01
Where do you live?
I come from Moscow. I have lived there fo r 6 years. My fam ily moved
from the
countryside when I was 12 years old.
Do you s till live w ith your family?
Yes, I do. I live w ith my parents and share a room w ith my brother. My brother s till
goes to school. He is only 8 years old.
Do you like Moscow?
Yes, I love Moscow. When I firs t arrived, I d id n 't like it much because it was so
different, but I have grown accustomed to it. Now, I know my way around and have
lots of friends.
How has Moscow changed recently?
It has become more international, and more exciting. In the last few years, about
ten new international restaurants have opened in my area alone and I often eat in
them now w ith my friends. I have lots of inte rna tio n al friends who have come to
study at the University in Moscow, and we often meet in the evenings.
Track 02
What kinds of holidays do you like?
What was the last place you visited on holiday?