Put the noun phrases from the brackets into the correct order to fit the following textBog'liq Grammar for IELTS - Collins English for ExamsPut the noun phrases from the brackets into the correct order to fit the following text.
Throughout history there have been many fam ous male inventors but less is known
about fem ale inventors. Interestingly, wom en have played an increasingly im portant role
in invention as they have had w ider access to education and em ploym ent. In fact, (1) [of
household products / that we use in our daily liv e s /a large quantity) has been invented by
wom en. Some examples include disposable diapers, (2) [a / computers / for programming /
language] and w indscreen wipers. In the past (3) [of women/ scientific/ the/education/
and technical} was lim ited compared to men but (4) [who are studying and working in science
and technology / in the number of w om en/a dramatic rise} has occurred in recent years.
Therefore it can be argued that (5) [the importance of/w hich allows people to develop their
s k ills /a focused education) should not be underestim ated in the field of invention.
j Gram m ar tip: M ultiple nouns such as female business owners can be d iffic u lt to order.
| When trying to order these types of nouns rem em ber that the firs t noun w ill describe or
i categorize the nouns that follow. In this case business owners is a noun phrase and we
use female business owners to state w hat type of business owners.
In the following paragraph, rewrite the underlined sections as noun phrases. Use the
structure the + general noun + specific noun. You may need to think of a suitable general
noun. The first one has been done for you.
Parents can have different views about (1) how th e ir children are educated at p rim ary
school depending on w hether the child is a boy or g irl. Men often th in k about aspects such
as (2) w hat different activities the boys and g irls w ill do. or (3) w hat space is available fo r
doing physical exercise in the school grounds, w hereas wom en can be more concerned
about (4) how many children w ill be in the same class as th e ir child and (5) w hat kind
of person the teacher is. However, there are many points which concern both parents
irrespective of gender, fo r example, (6) how much money a school spends on fa cilitie s and
the quality of care which is provided by the staff.
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