the education
of th e ir children
2 _________________________
5 ______________________________________________________________________________
6 _______________________________________________________________________
Choose some of the following noun phrases and use them to write a short one-paragraph
answer for the essay title below. You can adapt the noun phrases to fit your ideas.
Men are more suited to working in fields such as engineering and business whereas women
are more suited to the caring professions, for example, nursing or teaching.
How fa r do you agree with this statement?
Noun phrases
the types of job which
are more suited to
women who w ork in the caring professions
the amount of women working
in engineering
men who chooses to become a teacher
the range of em ploym ent
opportunities for
women who hold senior positions in
the increase
in female engineers
professions which require a caring
the s k ills needed
fo rw o rk in g in business
the type of person
Compare your paragraph with the model answer in the answer key.
Exam tip: Noun phrases are w idely used in w ritte n texts so you need to be able to
recognize them in the reading texts and you should try to w rite them in Tasks 1 and 2 of
the W riting exam.
Gram mar for IELTS