• I.S. Sadikov Deputy chairman of the scientific council awarding scientific degrees, doctor of technical sciences, professor R.M. Khudaykulov
  • I.S. Sadikov
  • Research objectives
  • Ilmiy kengash toshkent davlat transport universiteti soataliyev raximjon raxmonjon o

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    Salixanov Said Salixanovich
    candidate of technical sciences
    Leading organization: 
    Jizzakh Polytechnic Institute
    The defense will take place “____” _____________ 2022 at _____ at the meeting of
    Scientific council No. PhD.15/31.08.2022.T.73.05
    at Tashkent State Transport University
    (Address: 100167, Tashkent, st. Adylkhodzhaeva, 1. Tel./fax: (99871) 293-57-54, e-mail:
    The dissertation can be reviewed at the Information Resource Centre of the Tashkent State
    Transport University (is registered number No.____). (Address: 100167, Tashkent, st.
    Adylkhodzhaeva, 1. Tel./fax: (99871) 293-57-54, e-mail: tashiit_rektorat@mail.ru)
    Abstract of the dissertation sent out on 
    “____” _____________ 20
    22 y.
    (mailing report No. ____ on 
    “____” _____________ 20
    22 y.)
    I.S. Sadikov
    Deputy chairman of the scientific council
    awarding scientific degrees, doctor of
    technical sciences, professor
    R.M. Khudaykulov
    Scientific secretary of scientific souncil
    awarding scientific degrees, doctor of
    philosophy, professor
    I.S. Sadikov
    Chairman of the academic seminar under
    the scientific council awarding scientific
    degrees, doctor of technical sciences,

    Introduction (abstract to the dissertation of Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)) 
    The aim of the study is to 
    improve the method of planning repair works 
    using optimization algorithms based on transport-operational indicators of 
    automobile roads. 
    Research objectives: 
    assessment of transport-operational indicators of automobile roads and 
    analysis of methods for planning repair work; 
    research of transport-operational indicators of automobile roads; 
    study of the impact of scheduled repair work no later than the deadline on 
    the change in the transport and operational indicators of automobile roads; 
    research of the influence of air-climatic factors on changes in the transport-
    operational indicators of automobile roads; 
    improving the method of planning repair work using optimization algorithms 
    and transport-operational indicators of the automobile roads; 
    development of recommendations for the application of an improved style 
    and assessment of economic efficiency. 

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    Ilmiy kengash toshkent davlat transport universiteti soataliyev raximjon raxmonjon o

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