• Methods and materials.
  • «интернаука» Научный журнал №31(254) Август 022 г. Часть Издается с ноября 2016 года Москва 2022 ббк 94 И73 Председатель редакционной коллегии: Еникеев Анатолий Анатольевич

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    Интернаука 31(254 2)

    distance learning, information technology, media and learning, IT 
    Due to the global pandemic of the 
    COVID-19 virus, as well as the restrictive response 
    measures introduced in connection with the spread of 
    coronavirus infection, they have significantly changed 
    the usual processes of the entire sphere of life around 
    the world [3]. The global pandemic has brought education 
    into the home. This isolation has not stopped the 
    educational process due to distance learning. And distance 
    learning would be impossible without information and 
    communication technologies. 
    And even now, when the pandemic is nearing its end, 
    and the authorities of many countries are lifting most 
    of the quarantine measures, a large number of adults 
    do not have the desire or opportunity to attend university 
    classes [2]. 
    As a result, there is a great need for homeschooling. 
    And the most effective and safe way was training using 
    modern information and communication technologies 
    and the Internet. IT and the World Wide Web have many 
    advantages over traditional teaching methods. The 
    possibility of using distance learning systems attracts 
    not only higher education institutions. A significant 
    number of private and public enterprises in various 
    countries note the benefits of training their employees 
    and customers using information systems. 
    Methods and materials. 
    In the modern world, the 
    concept of distance education is considered a wide va-
    riety of educational courses, programs and lectures, and 
    the widespread use of this form of education is steadily 
    growing. Distance learning is, first of all, the commu-
    nication of students and teachers with each other re-
    motely, at the same time, such distance learning shows 
    almost all the elements inherent in the traditional educa-
    tional process (methods, tasks, organizational forms, 
    programs, and in many cases, teaching aids) and per-
    formed characteristic means of information technology, 
    suggesting the interactivity of the learning process. 
    The concept of distance learning includes both 
    standard professional development programs and full-
    fledged higher education courses, during which the 
    ways of direct contact of students with teachers and 
    fellow students are implemented, much in the same way 
    as during traditional education. Nevertheless, in the 
    process of distance learning, educational institutions can 
    use much wider and more diverse tools: professionally 
    assembled and optimized for students computer programs, 
    conference calls, e-mail, online instant messengers [2]. 
    The distance learning method is based on IT tools. 
    Their list includes: web server technologies, online 
    hypertext, various multimedia, webinars, video confe-
    rences. Teaching methods include: electronic textbooks, 
    remote and virtual educational rooms, video and audio 
    lectures, simulators and technologies specific for 
    communication interaction. 
    The use of IT tools has a positive effect on improving 
    the quality of education. Information technology provides 

    Журнал «Интернаука» 
    № 31 (254), 2022 г. 
    students and educators with the opportunity to apply 
    their large resources to achieve certain goals. Both the 
    collective learning process and the self-learning process 
    based on the use of modern IT has become much more 
    Infocommunication technologies can be divided 
    into two types - online and offline. Online technologies 
    allow the exchange of materials in real time, that is, the 
    message or information that was sent by the user, having 
    reached the addressee, is immediately sent to the ap-
    propriate output device. Using offline technologies, the 
    achieved information is stored on the recipient's device. 
    And then the recipient will be able to open them using 
    special programs at a convenient time for him. In con-
    trast to the method where the dialogue is possible only 
    in real time (online), in distance learning the dialogue 
    can also continue in a delayed way (offline). A signifi-
    cant advantage of offline technologies is that they are 
    less demanding both on the capabilities of the computer 
    and on the speed of communication lines. Offline tech-
    nologies can be used even when connected to the Internet 
    on dial-up lines (in the absence of a continuous connec-
    tion to the Internet). 
    Email, mailing lists, and messenger-like messaging 
    programs are among this type of technology. By send-
    ing messages, educational information and questions by 
    mail, it is possible to organize a dialogue between the 
    teacher and students. Thanks to this, a joint discussion and 
    review of the course is carried out. These technologies 
    facilitate interaction between various devices connected 
    to the World Wide Web. 
    Also one of the important advantages of offline 
    technology is a diverse selection of software for inter-
    acting with email and teleconferencing. Modern pro-
    grams allow you to send messages using hypertext 
    (i.e., using hyperlinks, fonts and deductions of text 
    fragments of various colors, graphics attachments, etc.). 
    In addition, a file of any format can be attached to a letter, 
    and thanks to this, you can send, for example, docu-
    ments in MS Word format. The effectiveness of offline 
    technologies is demonstrated in the creation of current 
    consultations, checks based on control and independent 
    works that were reviewed by the teacher "manually". 
    Online information technologies, first of all, a dia-
    logue with the help of which it is possible to exchange 
    text messages through the World Wide Web in real 
    time. In its simplest form, a "conversation" occurs be-
    tween two users. A group conversation requires a con-
    nection to a special server - an IRC (Internet Relay 
    Chat) server. In this case, in the course of work, 
    the user will see the name of the sender of the message 
    on the screen of his device. There is a wide choice of 
    various programs for such dialogues, for example, 
    Whatsapp or Telegram. Online technologies are most 
    effective when organizing online lectures and seminars, 
    as well as when consulting different groups [1]. 
    Modern multimedia technologies contribute to 
    a brighter and more interesting learning process at a 
    distance. IT multimedia tools allow you to use all kinds 
    of educational materials, such as text, online presenta-
    tions, graphics, tables, audio and video recordings, 
    including graphic animations in interactive mode. 
    Despite the small age of distance learning, this 
    method of education has great prospects. Unlike the 
    standard method of transmitting the necessary infor-
    mation to students via the Internet, a variety of elec-
    tronic methodological and educational aids should be 
    developed, thanks to which students will be able to 
    independently learn and gain knowledge, as well as 
    improve their individual skills. 
    In distance learning using the Internet, when creating 
    electronic methodological and educational aids, it is 
    necessary to pay attention not only to their content, 
    but also to interactive tools and methods with which 
    students can learn with great interest much more 
    creatively, independently. 

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    «интернаука» Научный журнал №31(254) Август 022 г. Часть Издается с ноября 2016 года Москва 2022 ббк 94 И73 Председатель редакционной коллегии: Еникеев Анатолий Анатольевич

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