• Step 2
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    Discover More: bobning ochiq resurslariga kirib kengaytirilgan jadvaldan mashhur TLDlarni bilib oling.

    Soha nom tizimi (SNT) metod bo’lib, Internet soha nomlarini zaxiralash uchun foydalanib ularni IP manzillashtirishga moslashtiradi. Qachonki siz brovzerdagi soha nomiga kirsangiz (i.e., google.com) SNT server soha nomini uning birlashtirilgan IP manzillashtirishiga tarjima qiladi, shunday qilib talab ISPga yo’naltirilishi mumkin. Etika va Xulasa 2-1 ni o’qing, soha nomlarini yaratish maqsadlarida xatoga yo’l qo’yganlar xaidlarga aloqador xulosalarni e’tiborga oling.

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    Step 2
    The browser co municates ith a
    DNS server m intained by your ISP
    or another provider. The DNS
    server looks up he domain ame

    portion of the web address,
    its associated IPaddresss^an
    then sends the address to your
    computer r mobile device.

    Step 3
    The browser uses the IP address tc contact the web server at the specified IP address to request the content of the desired webpage, The web server fulfills the user's request by sending the desired content to the user's browser, which formats the page for display on the screen.

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