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  • Iqtisodiyotni raqamlashtirish sharoitida buxgalteriya hisobi, iqtisodiy tahlil va auditni xalqaro standartlar asosida rivojlantirish muammolari va istiqbollari

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    QarMII konf 26-27 may 2023 (1)

    Literature review. 
    Economic security is a necessary condition for the sustainable development of 
    the economic system, and among foreign scientists who have studied the 

    consequences of the mechanisms of its transformation, one can single out T. Kuhn, 
    K. Perez, M. S. Roko, V. S. Bainbridge, T. Jotsana, E. Sebastian . , D. Bell, J. 
    Schumpeter, S. Clark, P. Arnold, G. Dozi. 
    Russian scientists Abalkin L.A., Bukhvald E.M., Senchagov V.K., Kolosov 
    A.V., Plesovskikh Yu.G., Vasiliev V.L., Romanova O.A., Sukharev O.S. and others 
    have done research on the topic. 
    Among the Uzbek economists Gulyamov S.S., Vakhabov A.V., Ulmasov A., 
    Shukurov Zh.S., Abulkosimov Kh.P., Khurramov A.F., Zhuraev T.T., Mamatov 
    A.A., Mamurov B.H. and others explored the sustainable development of the 
    economic system. 
    The article uses the methods of dialectical, systemic, integral and synergetic 
    approaches, methods of economic, logical, scientific abstraction, monographic 
    analysis and synthesis, induction and deduction, comparison, generalization and 
    Economic security refers to the state of an individual, household, or nation's 
    economic well-being, stability, and protection against risks and vulnerabilities. It 
    encompasses various dimensions and aspects that contribute to the overall economic 
    stability and resilience of a system. 
    At the individual or household level, economic security involves having access 
    to stable and sufficient income, adequate employment opportunities, and the ability to 
    meet basic needs such as food, shelter, healthcare, and education. It also includes 
    protection against financial risks and shocks, such as unemployment, illness, or 
    unexpected expenses, through mechanisms like social safety nets, insurance, and 
    On a broader scale, economic security at the national or macroeconomic level 
    encompasses factors such as low inflation, stable exchange rates, fiscal discipline, 
    and robust financial systems. It involves policies and measures aimed at maintaining 
    stable economic growth, reducing income inequalities, ensuring financial stability, 

    and mitigating risks from economic shocks, including recessions, financial crises, or 
    global market volatility. 
    Economic security is closely intertwined with other dimensions of security, such 
    as social, political, and environmental security. It recognizes that economic stability 
    and well-being are crucial for maintaining social cohesion, reducing poverty and 
    inequality, and promoting sustainable development. It also acknowledges the 
    importance of environmental sustainability, as ecological imbalances and resource 
    scarcity can pose significant threats to economic security in the long run. 
    Decree of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan of November 29, 2021 
    No. PD-27 “On the Strategy for the Development of the Public Security System in 
    the Republic of Uzbekistan for 2022-2025” was adopted. The strategy developed on 
    the basis of the decree provided for the development and effective implementation of 
    legal, methodological, scientific, and organizational measures to introduce a 
    qualitatively new system of public security in the country. The strategy provides for 
    96 sectoral activities in 6 promising areas, and the roadmap for its implementation in 
    2022 provides for 30 specific activities. The measures are aimed at maintaining 
    public order, preventing crime, ensuring road transport and fire safety, digitalizing the 
    industry, healthcare and improving the system of work at the place of residence

    According to the legislation of the Republic of Uzbekistan, the main entity that 
    ensures economic security is the state administration (legislative, executive and 
    judicial bodies). The state must ensure the realization of the interests of all economic 
    agents, based on the current legal norms, and ensure stable, balanced economic 
    relations in the country that correspond to modern economic, social and political 
    • households (individuals); 
    • firms; 
    • the state (territorial associations within the state, regions). 
    Decree of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan dated November 29, 2021 No. PD-27 “On the strategy for the 
    development of the public security system in the Republic of Uzbekistan for 2022-2025”. 

    For the state, it is important not only to form legal norms aimed at ensuring 
    national economic security, but also to create mechanisms for the implementation of 
    the formed norms and tools for monitoring their implementation. 
    The definition of institutional structure can be based on exogenous, endogenous 
    factors and combined factors. An exogenous factor is understood as a factor that 
    occurs from the outside: crisis and other economic phenomena, natural and climatic 
    phenomena. Endogenous factors are the internal causes of institutional changes: the 
    cyclical nature of the economy, the emergence of new inventions and technologies. 
    The factor in the combined description is a complex of internal and external factors 
    that affect the synergistic structure of the institutional structure. 
    In the context of the transition to a digital economy, one can note the tendency 
    of real institutions to acquire a virtual form. The expected positive effect from the 
    new form of implementation of institutions can be expressed in the simplification of 
    bureaucratic procedures, reduction of time and material costs. Within the framework 
    of the theory of institutional economics, the direction of electronic institutionalism is 
    being formed in connection with the widespread use of information technologies. 
    “Analysis of global trends in the implementation of information and communication 
    technologies shows that today one of the promising areas is the introduction of 
    integrated software and hardware systems aimed at managing production, saving 
    resources and strict control of product quality parameters”

    According to the Decree of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan No. PD-
    4699 dated April 28, 2020 “On measures for the widespread introduction of the 
    digital economy and e-government”, the Ministry of Development of Information 
    Technologies and Communications is the only one in the field of digital economy and 
    e-government that has been identified as the competent authority, and under the 
    Ministry, the “Electronic Government Project Management Center” and the “Digital 
    Shukurov Yu.S. Prospects for the development of the digital economy and the e-government system in the Republic 
    of Uzbekistan. Modern trends in the formation of the digital economy: experience, problems and prospects: a network 
    of abstracts of lectures of the online scientific and practical conference "Republic". -T.: TDIU, 2020. -S.53. 

    Economy Research Center” were established. In 2020-2022, it is planned to 
    implement 268 projects

    In our opinion, the following can be proposed as the main direction for 
    improving the institutional structure in the context of the transition to a mixed 
    • as a more flexible, adaptive and innovative organization; 
    • the predominance of the layer of horizontal links in the subject layer of the 
    • increasing the degree of involvement of the new institution in the existing 
    • reduction of transaction risk (for example, blockchain technology can be 
    implemented, an encrypted letter allows you to confirm the type of transaction, which 
    in turn leads to a significant reduction in transaction risk); 
    • modification of the institutional structure based on the creation of a new 
    institutional structure or the replacement of existing traditional institutions in a new 

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    Iqtisodiyotni raqamlashtirish sharoitida buxgalteriya hisobi, iqtisodiy tahlil va auditni xalqaro standartlar asosida rivojlantirish muammolari va istiqbollari

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