• DIGITALIZATION IN THE ECONOMY OF UZBEKISTAN Aminov Fazlitdin Bahadirovich - candidate of economic sciences
  • Iqtisodiyotni raqamlashtirish sharoitida buxgalteriya hisobi, iqtisodiy tahlil va auditni xalqaro standartlar asosida rivojlantirish muammolari va istiqbollari

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    QarMII konf 26-27 may 2023 (1)

    Список литературы: 
    Закон Республики Узбекистан «Об инвестициях и инвестиционной 
    деятельности» от 25.12.2019 г. № ЗРУ-598. 
    Указ Президента Республики Узбекистан № УП-6079 «Об утверждении 
    Стратегии «Цифровой Узбекистан 2030» и мерах по ее эффективной 
    реализации» от 5 октября 2020 года // Народное слово. – Ташкент, 2020 г., 6 
    Махмудов Н.М. Авазов Н.Р. «Анализ факторов, влияющих на 
    государственный инвестиционный климат» // «Инновация в экономике», № 7, 
    2019г. стр 4-10. 
    Абель, Э. Макроэкономика: учебник / Э. Абель, Б. Бернанке. - СПб.: 
    Питер, 2019. - 768с. 
    Аносова А.В. Макроэкономика: учебник для бакалавров / А.В.Аносова, 
    С.Ф. Серегина, И.А.Ким. - М.: Юрайт, 2012. - 522с 
    Aminov Fazlitdin Bahadirovich - candidate of economic sciences, 
    assistant professor of the department “Innovative economy” at Karshi 
    Engineering-Economics Institute 
    : In the modern world, achieving a high level of development, 
    the possession of digital knowledge and modern information technologies is a 
    requirement of the time. The introduction of digital technologies and their use in all 
    spheres of society will clear the way for effective socio-economic development. At 

    the present time, information technologies are penetrating deeper into all areas and 
    become a key factor in development. 
    Digital economy, information technologies, social and economic 
    development, digital technologies, information and communication technologies 
    The contribution of the Internet and IT to the development of the digital 
    economy is certainly high. According to the World Bank's Digital Dividends study, a 
    10 percent increase in internet speed leads to an increase in GDP. For example, GDP 
    growth in developed countries is 1.21 percent, and in developing countries is 1.38 
    percent. So, if the Internet speed doubles, the GDP will be 13-14 percent. 
    These numbers show how relevant and important the digital economy is in the 
    development of the country's economy. 
    In order to increase the role and importance of the digital economy in the 
    gross domestic product of the country, it is necessary to develop information and 
    communication technologies. These processes are closely related to each other and 
    have a causal relationship. 
    Transitioning to a digital economy is not an easy task. For this, a number of 
    conditions must be created: 
    1. It is necessary to create the legal basis for the formation of the digital 
    economy. For this purpose, a number of laws of the Republic of Uzbekistan, decrees 
    and decisions of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan, decisions and orders of 
    the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Uzbekistan, regulatory and legal 
    documents of branch structures have been adopted. 
    The task of complete digitization of construction, energy, agriculture and 
    water management, transport, geology, cadastre, healthcare, education, and archive 
    sectors was set. 
    2. The transition to the digital economy depends on the general level of 
    development of the country's economy and its innovative structure. Innovative 
    activity in the Republic of Uzbekistan is regulated and supported by the state. The 

    main mechanisms of this activity are the creation of a legal framework, preferential 
    taxation, priority in lending, use of state and non-state, network funds, state financing 
    of large programs, etc. In addition, work is being carried out in our country to 
    reorganize the management system of scientific and innovative activities, to improve 
    the institutional foundations of the management of the innovation process. 
    3. Without rapid development of information and communication 
    technologies, it is impossible to increase the role and importance of the digital 
    economy in the gross domestic product of the country. These are processes that are 
    closely related to each other and have a causal relationship. 
    In this regard, the program for the comprehensive development of the 
    National Information and Communication System of the Republic of Uzbekistan was 
    adopted, and the Ministry of Information Technologies and Communications 
    Development of the Republic of Uzbekistan was established. The main goal of these 
    measures is to fully provide the population of our country with information and 
    communication goods and services. This sector should become one of the main 
    factors determining the development of the national economy. 
    The services related to computer programs by enterprises operating in 
    communication, information and telecommunication systems are increasing year by 
    year. Hundreds of types of interactive services are provided through state websites 
    and electronic resources. The number of state information resources and information 
    systems is increasing, the bandwidth of the Internet is increasing, and as a result, the 
    number of its users is increasing. To date, the number of Internet users in Uzbekistan 
    has exceeded 27 million, more than 25 million of them are mobile Internet users. 
    Dozens of institutions connect to high-speed Internet every year. The program 
    "Digital Uzbekistan - 2030" was developed. The digital economy is changing the face 
    of the entire economy. Companies are now investing in intangible assets (software, 
    technology) rather than real estate, machinery and equipment. 
    In 2019, information and communication technologies accounted for 5% of 
    the world's gross domestic product. In 2022, this indicator is expected to exceed 9 

    percent. In this regard, the share of ICT in the GDP of the flagship Republic of Korea 
    is about 12%, in Sweden and the USA it is about 7%, and in Uzbekistan this figure is 
    only 2.2%. The task of sharply reducing the backlog in this regard was set. 
    4. The transition to the digital economy requires increasing the number and 
    quality of industry employees. Inha University operates in Tashkent, one of the 
    leading higher education institutions in the field of ICT of the Republic of Korea. 
    Branches of two ICT universities of India were opened in Tashkent and Andijan. 
    Tashkent University of Information Technologies prepares personnel in the fields of 
    computer technologies, software development, telecommunication technologies, and 
    television technologies. The decree of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan on 
    the establishment of the Japanese Digital University in Tashkent was signed. 
    On October 7, 2020, the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan Sh.M. 
    Mirziyoyev signed the decree "On approval of the strategy of Digital Uzbekistan - 
    2030 and measures for its effective implementation". The strategy included more than 
    220 priority projects, including improvement of the "Electronic Government" system, 
    development of the internal market of software products and information 
    It is planned to increase the volume of the software industry by five times, 
    and its export by ten times, i.e. to 500 million US dollars. 
    Work is carried out in two directions: 
    1. Digital transformation of territories; 
    2. Digital transformation of the industry. 
    At the moment, some elements are working successfully in our country, 
    digitalization of documents and communications, permission to use electronic 
    signatures, and communication with the state are moving to a virtual platform. 
    The main directions of further development of information and 
    communication technologies (ICT): 

    better use of ICT in business and government 



    training of skilled personnel in the field of ICT; 

    promote effective competition among providers of electronic communication 
    networks and services 

    Increase the capacity of research and innovation in the field of ICT; 

    effective cooperation with international organizations 

    to provide timely statistics on the situation 

    Development of ICT sector and information society. 
    The priority direction of the development of the digital economy in our 
    country is to ensure the rapid development of the economy of Uzbekistan, to keep 
    pace with the times, as well as to accelerate the integration of our country into the 
    international arena and, as a result, to include Uzbekistan in the list of democratic, 
    economically developed countries. contains z. 

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